No, because:
1) It's no different from the status quo.
If hell is separation from God without hope of reconciliation, then it isn't any different from where I am now. And where I am now is not hellish.
2) It could be no worse than heaven.
There isn't any difference between spending eternity in either heaven or hell. Eternity anywhere would be eternally boring. Rational, sane hope for better requires some indication that better could exist. In this case, something non-boring to do in infinite repetition.
3) It is an imaginary place.
If you can't tell me where I went last night between midnight and the time I woke this morning, I dismiss any claim you make of what happens after death. I believe the iconic Christian hell of fire and brimstone exists only in the imagination, a construct to frighten the gullible into subservience.
I can't go someplace that doesn't exist. 'Tis a silly place.
1) It's no different from the status quo.
If hell is separation from God without hope of reconciliation, then it isn't any different from where I am now. And where I am now is not hellish.
2) It could be no worse than heaven.
There isn't any difference between spending eternity in either heaven or hell. Eternity anywhere would be eternally boring. Rational, sane hope for better requires some indication that better could exist. In this case, something non-boring to do in infinite repetition.
3) It is an imaginary place.
If you can't tell me where I went last night between midnight and the time I woke this morning, I dismiss any claim you make of what happens after death. I believe the iconic Christian hell of fire and brimstone exists only in the imagination, a construct to frighten the gullible into subservience.
I can't go someplace that doesn't exist. 'Tis a silly place.
So how, exactly, does God know that She's NOT a brain in a vat?