Here's another thought for you. God is supposed to be this perfect father. So when he wants to go out for a night and he needs a babysitter for his impressionable newborn children, who does he call? What the hell kind of father leaves evil incarnate in charge of his kids? WE get kicked out of the garden for being tricked but the devil just goes wherever the hell he likes after trying to overthrow God? AND our perfect, loving, all-knowing father is so oblivious to the nature of his own creations that he doesn't know better than to leave the prince of darkness alone with his favorite creation?
"Man, I really want to go out tonight. But who can I trust my precious children to? Got it! I'll call THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, EVIL INCARNATE, THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS UNHOLY AND THE ONE WHO HATES MY CHILDREN MOST OF ALL! Man, I'm a genius! Worship me!!!"
"Man, I really want to go out tonight. But who can I trust my precious children to? Got it! I'll call THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, EVIL INCARNATE, THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS UNHOLY AND THE ONE WHO HATES MY CHILDREN MOST OF ALL! Man, I'm a genius! Worship me!!!"