Just to make sure this post isn't lost in the recent flurry between Godhead and Void, I'll repost.
It wasn't my intention to give any such undercurrent, as I've attempted to make clear where I understand your beliefs and others to lie.
Still, you and I have made it very clear to one another that god's existence cannot be proven. I believe I can safely say that from now on, this will be an understood point between us. The reason atheists typically go to this arguement is because the only way to prove that he exists is to prove that he has made some foot print somewhere. Anywhere. At any point in time in history. Atheists point to the lack of any foot print to empirically prove that there is no proof of his existence. If he hasn't, then his existence becomes purely an exersize of imagination to an atheist - just as any other thing a rational person wouldn't ordinarily believe in. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks as to what those might be.
What my question asked you to do was to lead me down the same path you took to god. I didn't ask for proof, I merely asked that you tell me how you concluded that god must exist in any matter or another.
I'm looking as much for your personal evidence just as much as I'm looking for your reasoning.
My other, perhaps more important question, was what role does god even have in the world in your view?
You need to understand that you haven't given me anything to proove or disprove you of. You've already acknowledged that there is no empirical evidence to support the existance of god, redering that question meaningless, but you want me to provide evidence to prove a godless universe?
I shouldn't have to tell you how impossible it is to proove a godless universe when there is no proof of god. The very question contradicts itself.
If you can resolve this logical issue or communication problem, then there might be some progress to be had, otherwise, this is going to be very futile.
(July 19, 2010 at 8:05 pm)Godhead Wrote: I feel that what atheists ask which is impractical and impossible is for me to prove that god exists. But I can't do that. And the reason, on the surface, why atheists would ask in the first place, in the knowledge that I can't prove that god exists, is to demonstrate that I can't prove that god exists, ie prove a point. But that's a given, we know that. So underneath the surface, I think the real reason is to ridicule. The problem with that, apart from the fact that it achieves nothing, is that I don't feel any ridicule at all. I'm aware of the attempt but it has no emotional effect on me, so as an end goal on the part of the atheist, it's futile. So, if an atheist asks me to prove that god exists, the only appropriate response is : "You prove it" (as in, ask a silly question, get a silly answer). According to my belief, god doesn't provide anything. Why do you ask me that? (I'm sensing an undercurrent in your posts, namely that you seem to be equating theism per se with christianity - I understand that, but please bear in mind that I'm not a christian).
It wasn't my intention to give any such undercurrent, as I've attempted to make clear where I understand your beliefs and others to lie.
Still, you and I have made it very clear to one another that god's existence cannot be proven. I believe I can safely say that from now on, this will be an understood point between us. The reason atheists typically go to this arguement is because the only way to prove that he exists is to prove that he has made some foot print somewhere. Anywhere. At any point in time in history. Atheists point to the lack of any foot print to empirically prove that there is no proof of his existence. If he hasn't, then his existence becomes purely an exersize of imagination to an atheist - just as any other thing a rational person wouldn't ordinarily believe in. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks as to what those might be.
What my question asked you to do was to lead me down the same path you took to god. I didn't ask for proof, I merely asked that you tell me how you concluded that god must exist in any matter or another.
I'm looking as much for your personal evidence just as much as I'm looking for your reasoning.
My other, perhaps more important question, was what role does god even have in the world in your view?
(July 19, 2010 at 8:05 pm)Godhead Wrote: I'm open to giving up my beliefs simply because I too go where the evidence (reason to believe / conviction) takes me. So far, my evidence has clearly pointed to the existance of god. It is evidence which can't be commuicated and shown, as you know. If you can show me anything to contradict that I'm open to it. But as I say I've not seen any. Also, in order for me to drop my beliefs, I would have to see evidence that the universe is godless. Now I fully realise that atheists don't think that way and they don't feel the need to disprove god, however, I do, and to deconvert me you'd have to do that, whether you're comfortable with it or not. It is what would make me drop my beliefs. I think it's the only thing that would. If you don't want to try that's ok but to deconvert me it's what you'd need to do.
You need to understand that you haven't given me anything to proove or disprove you of. You've already acknowledged that there is no empirical evidence to support the existance of god, redering that question meaningless, but you want me to provide evidence to prove a godless universe?
I shouldn't have to tell you how impossible it is to proove a godless universe when there is no proof of god. The very question contradicts itself.
If you can resolve this logical issue or communication problem, then there might be some progress to be had, otherwise, this is going to be very futile.