I did date a theist once well actually I dated him twice and would have gone to the fucking xmas mass with him had the guy not broken up with me. He also sorda didn't try to hard to convert me once– he handed me a sheet explaining Pascal's wager. (I also went to church once with him, but that was for my world religions class) But of course in retrospect he was kinda a jerk. I'm dating an agnostic now. He seems to be a much better person, but I don't know if I can tell because I'm dating him at the moment.
I'm not sure if I would date a theist, again. I probably would if he/she was cool enough and other requirements.
I'm kinda set with the guy I'm dating now, for the moment, at least.
I'm not sure if I would date a theist, again. I probably would if he/she was cool enough and other requirements.
I'm kinda set with the guy I'm dating now, for the moment, at least.