I'm not sure what to make of this poster. On the one hand he's at least familiar with theology, as the idea of god as an immense consciousness that composes of and extends beyond all of existence comes from that. But at the same time the rhetorical style leaves a lot to be desired. Added to this he seems to believe that the bible supports this, which it does not.
However the argument gets sillier as it goes on. If god is the universe, that is to say all of what is observable, then God has no will and is essentially dead. He claims the universe is alive as a giant super ing but in order for that to work you have to redefine what life is to the point where it becomes meaningless.
This was incredibly difficult to read, partially because of the teeny eye-straino font, and partially because of the misuse of grammar and punctuation. I tend to dismiss excessive uses of the caps lock key, and of the exclamation point. It makes comprehension difficult.
I'm not sure what to make of this poster. On the one hand he's at least familiar with theology, as the idea of god as an immense consciousness that composes of and extends beyond all of existence comes from that. But at the same time the rhetorical style leaves a lot to be desired. Added to this he seems to believe that the bible supports this, which it does not.
However the argument gets sillier as it goes on. If god is the universe, that is to say all of what is observable, then God has no will and is essentially dead. He claims the universe is alive as a giant super ing but in order for that to work you have to redefine what life is to the point where it becomes meaningless.
This was incredibly difficult to read, partially because of the teeny eye-straino font, and partially because of the misuse of grammar and punctuation. I tend to dismiss excessive uses of the caps lock key, and of the exclamation point. It makes comprehension difficult.