(December 23, 2014 at 1:12 pm)MerryMary Wrote:(December 23, 2014 at 10:22 am)Napoléon Wrote: Bye.
You know there is a lot of posts and I didn't see your warning and then ban 2 minutes later as i was responding in an intelligent and adultlike manner I believe to be quite inspiring to others in their quest for knowledge given the extreme humor of the situation.
You banned everyone at the public library great way to spread your message.
this is my neighbor's IP you can ban this too she says the way you treat others that are doing their best to discuss God with one another is enough for anyone that likes nice people to know what side to be on.
I feel you acted rash and hasty in your decision to ban and clearly it is doubtful even you read any of it either...
to those that continue to repeat that i present no evidence I can only laugh again and sigh and assure you in the most 100% honest clear headed way i can that this thing of which i speak is clearly evident to everyone that has ever seen it.
As it simply is existence itself.
Anyone that bothers to take the time to research the words of all ancient texts will come to the very same conclusion.
there is a very clear pattern.
I would be happy to share more on that with you when I get to the next wifi spot with one of my many computers since you lack the courage to allow me to continue to respond to those that choose to respond to me without giving me the insta ban.
I will of course use a different name and act a little different and you will all be like "is this Sonny?" to God knows how many people now...in a hasty effort to dismiss what they say based on your interpretation of their character rather than based on the content of their conversation. But I will add my knowledge to the discussions as i see fit. i can imagine you will ban so many thinking it is me just like the Pharoah killed all the first born just to get one kid. insert string of laughs here.
I can only ask on behalf of others that you provide enough time for users of your fine forum to both be warned and to have the time to actually show you that they are adult, mature, intelligent, non-combatitive, and in general a fun and friendly person that you would probably have a blast hanging out with in real life.
Before your snap hammer comes whooshing down and clearing the way for the actual trolls to make all the posts at the end of the thread look like a person was just some loon so no one bothers to read the responses.
nice system of eliminating intelligent discourse on your topic...
you guys claim to be the atheists not me.
I am just informing you that you missed a spot when you were deciding God was unfair and imaginary (nah I am not going to apologize for capitalizing God)
My proof is the true definition of the word God as defined by the dictionary.
the first definition reads: the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
they put Supreme Being in caps, not me. Because it is a Proper Noun.
Now tell me you guys do not believe in the dictionary.
I would laugh hysterically here but I realize you dislike that and I respect that.
My proof that that definition is actually really what they describe would be to look out one's window as if to say, "can you not see that which is?"
I am not being paid for this, I am not the member of any church, maybe pretend you are here to have intelligent discussions and not ban me this time?
Seeing as how I have had time to read the rules and abide by them?
your decision will reflect greatly on your character.
I respect it either way but in no way does that mean I will not come dab in my 2 cents from time to time if i feel compelled to do so as your banning me is clearly rash, and not well thought out in the best interest of the spirit of sharing ideas.
I live in a country that protects free speech instead of censoring it like you have attempted to do here today.
Want to test that theory?
LOL - had to stick in one laugh come on that is allowed right?
i now release you from the burden of forcing you to read my words against your will. Sorry they did not meet up to your standards for discourse.
You are free to go call other people names and attack their character and get them banned for trying to help you too.
it truly has been a pleasure for me I assure you.
Is it ok to use those big emoticons? or is that too distracting and annoying?
I mean caps wow I get why that is so annoying they are so large and moving all around, but emoticons are ok right? I mean as long as I don't laugh using a series of haha's or lol's I can spam emoticons and not get banned like the guys that spammed them at me?
I am just asking because I would like to go out with a trail of rofl emoticons
maybe just visualize that for me.
You came here spouted drivel and then repeated it endlessly even when asked to present something else or even to participate in other topics. But your fixation on this obviously false premise was your downfall.
You didn't play by the rules and will now be endlessly punished.
LOL MwAhAhA EAt that THAt YOu confusioningly FONted INdiViduAL.
You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid.
Tinkety Tonk and down with the Nazis.