(August 5, 2010 at 1:44 pm)TheDarkestOfAngels Wrote: Science uses a combination of logical arguementation based on empirical evidence, experimentation, and peer review to make claims. An unproven hypothosis could be formulated (like M-theory) based on evidence and startlingly breathtaking mathmatics to make a case, so a hypothosis might be considered to be 'non-empirical evidence' - but we don't call it that. The term is self-defeating because it is technically an oxy-moron. That's why it's called a hypothosis. It's a logical arguement not based on any direct evidence.
Other logical arguements are called just that - somtimes with their own terminology, but you don't go around telling people you have 'evidence without proof' because most people will tell you that evidence without proof isn't.
Step away from the crack pipe!