(January 24, 2015 at 9:17 pm)Roxy904 Wrote: Well, most do not divorce until and unless it's actually necessary (for well-being of the people in the relationship), and I have not seen any christian morality (morals that only christians follow) that has benefits that does not closely match secular morality.
A christian acquaintance of mine married a woman, who also claimed to be a christian, in a christian marriage ceremony. They promised each other in the sight of God to remain faithful "till death do us part". After a few years of marriage she cheated on him a number of times. Being a committed christian, he remained with her and hoped to somehow reconcile the relationship. As far as I know, he treated her with love and respect. She eventually filed for divorce and won even though he was opposed. Obviously, she was unhappy with the marriage relationship and decided to get out of it. Assuming that he did actually treat her well, was she morally justified in what she did?