(January 25, 2015 at 12:35 am)IATIA Wrote:Right. Because a single entity could not exist both in our framework as well as a universe-less framework-- because that dual existence would constitute a dimension, a kind of gateway between them. And what is two universes joined by another dimension? A single universe.bennyboy Wrote:Right. So it is my opinion that God would be the antithesis of a being capable of interacting with us.Then for all intents and purposes, god does not exist.
BUT since I'm free associating right now, how about the Biblical description of God as the alpha and the omega-- the beginning and end rolled into one? Sounds like a singularity to me. And a singularity is the ultimate contextual break for us. Is it possible that Christian theology is actually non-sentient or ambiguous, in the same way that yin-yang are?
Hmmmmm. . . I'm doing surprisingly good weed philosophy today for a guy in a country with no weed.