What chuffs me more than anything is the widely inflated attendance predictions. Ham did his own "study" in which he predicted that the in the first year, the park would produce 1.6 million visitors to the park, steadying out at 1.2 - 2 million visitors annually. When the state of KY contracted Hunden Strategic Partners (a Chicago based firm) to do an independent study, they found that even if AiG stuck to its "secular theme park" model, the first year would draw about 500,000 visitors, rise to about 600,000 in year three, but then steady out at 400,000 visitors. That's 20-33% of what Ham posited to the state in his application. If the "Ark Encounter" ends up being a religious attraction (and let's face it, it is...), then it would generate about 325,000 visitors its first year, rise to about 425,000 in its third year and slow to 275,000 by its seventh year. So that's 13-23% of what Ham's application said.
Just more proof that Ham's reality is whatever he wants it to be.
Just more proof that Ham's reality is whatever he wants it to be.
"There remain four irreducible objections to religious faith: that it wholly misrepresents the origins of man and the cosmos, that because of this original error it manages to combine the maximum servility with the maximum of solipsism, that it is both the result and the cause of dangerous sexual repression, and that it is ultimately grounded on wish-thinking." ~Christopher Hitchens, god is not Great
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