It's amusing because right now the AZ DOT has a program going which cautions drivers to "WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES" on highway signs. Out here helmets are not required but most motorcyclists drive like fucking maniacs. It seems like 1-2 bite the dust every week.
A few days ago I was on the highway which circles Phoenix doing about 70 in the middle lane. I was a few feet behind a car in the third lane doing about the same speed. A motorcycle came out of nowhere. I did not hear him until he was next to me and he cut between the two cars and then shot in front of the car next to me. I estimate he was doing about 90.
But we are supposed to watch out for those assholes?
A few days ago I was on the highway which circles Phoenix doing about 70 in the middle lane. I was a few feet behind a car in the third lane doing about the same speed. A motorcycle came out of nowhere. I did not hear him until he was next to me and he cut between the two cars and then shot in front of the car next to me. I estimate he was doing about 90.
But we are supposed to watch out for those assholes?