Quote:1. Because that site isn't attempting to get a Muslim's view on what they think about non-related things. It is specifically asking them about Islam; not anything which is unrelated to Islam.Didn't answer my question - Why should I trust this site?
The Muslims were asked clear-cut questions: ''Do you believe in death for apostasy?'', ''Do you believe in honor killings?'', ''Thoughts on homosexuality?'' etc. These are basic questions which aren't surprising to Muslims given that such beliefs are in their own law.
The site isn't even smearing Muslims as terrorists, just posting what the general beliefs are of Muslims. Are most Muslims terrorist? No. But do signifcant numbers of Muslims believe in death for apostasy? Yes.
These are surveys which are done on global scales, even if they were ''cherry picked'' --- these are concerning, and scary results.
Quote:2. Right, why can't I post polls?You need to give your opinion and provide some insight, you can't simply quote the poll and runaway expecting people to buy it right away.
Quote:Here is an example from PEW - http://www.pewglobal.org/2010/12/02/musl...hezbollah/As a rational person I hate wasting time - So tell me why should I click the link? Why will I not be wasting time?
Quote:3. Cenk is definitely an apologist - it was clear when he got trashed in that debate. How is Harris akin to Hitler?About a month ago I watched the whole debate out of sheer curiosity - I think both made good points. Cenk isn't even a Muslim - This is the problem I'm talking about, you call him an apologist when all he does is to argue for a tolerant society free of bigotry - He didn't even say Muslims are all good people, he just thought Harris gave special treatment to Islam, something he actually does. Cenk made a mistake linking Catholicism with the Holocaust - I have explained here in AF how you can't justify Hitler's eugenics program with Catholicism - But Harris makes the mistake of thinking doctrine must determine faith all the time.
How? If I posted you some quotes by Harris and Hitler, do you think you would know which ones were said by Hitler and by Harris? [unless you have extensive knowledge on both authors]. Harris thinks bigotry against a specific religion is justifiable because it's a religion and not a race. The truth is people don't make many choices, it depends on where they are born.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you