(June 10, 2015 at 2:12 pm)downbeatplumb Wrote: America is seen by many people as being a little bit meddlesome when it comes to foreign affairs, this happens mainly in areas of the world that find themselves over resources the US find useful such as the middle east. The middle east is mainly muslim and so the problem is down to geography and politics which then becomes mingled with religion rather than religion on its own.
It's true that if we're talking about terrorism you can't pin the blame on religion, or at least not entirely, but if we're talking about oppressive religious laws (imprisonment or death for gays, apostates, blasphemers) there is no other explanation. Almost every Muslim majority country does at least one of those three things, some even go as far as executing people for all three (Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran and Afghanistan)
“The larger the group, the more toxic, the more of your beauty as an individual you have to surrender for the sake of group thought. And when you suspend your individual beauty you also give up a lot of your humanity. You will do things in the name of a group that you would never do on your own. Injuring, hurting, killing, drinking are all part of it, because you've lost your identity, because you now owe your allegiance to this thing that's bigger than you are and that controls you.” - George Carlin