1. There was nothing productive about what you were suggesting
2. The fact that the distinctions are made is what is responsible for evangelist opinions of atheists not being the dominant idea amongst moderate Christians. If there were no atheists contending the claim that we are all just angry at God there would be even more Christians who believed this.
3. There is nothing "evolved" about Atheism, it's simply a position that requires a higher standard of evidence (I.e no revelation, personal incredulity, personal experience, testimony etc) To call atheists more "evolved" is not only false, it's completely arrogant.
4. Jehovas witnesses are examples of extremists on the other side, and as was made clear earlier, we don't give a fuck about them. We do however care about the normal every day theists we encounter because they are the ones who actually matter in every day life - Them having a misinformed opinion of our position could affect even the mundane interactions, this is something that should be avoided. Moderate theists and atheists have the potential to be more closely aligned on the vast majority of issues, especially socially and ethically, than moderates and extremists of any group, as such having a good understanding of each other is far more important that allowing extremists to taint not just what they think we believe, but what we think they believe.
2. The fact that the distinctions are made is what is responsible for evangelist opinions of atheists not being the dominant idea amongst moderate Christians. If there were no atheists contending the claim that we are all just angry at God there would be even more Christians who believed this.
3. There is nothing "evolved" about Atheism, it's simply a position that requires a higher standard of evidence (I.e no revelation, personal incredulity, personal experience, testimony etc) To call atheists more "evolved" is not only false, it's completely arrogant.
4. Jehovas witnesses are examples of extremists on the other side, and as was made clear earlier, we don't give a fuck about them. We do however care about the normal every day theists we encounter because they are the ones who actually matter in every day life - Them having a misinformed opinion of our position could affect even the mundane interactions, this is something that should be avoided. Moderate theists and atheists have the potential to be more closely aligned on the vast majority of issues, especially socially and ethically, than moderates and extremists of any group, as such having a good understanding of each other is far more important that allowing extremists to taint not just what they think we believe, but what we think they believe.