(July 10, 2015 at 4:18 pm)MTL Wrote:
I don't really care if people want to get married, but I object when married couples get deferential treatment or perks that I, as a single woman, do not.
I love the idea of having one wonderful monogamous partner for the rest of my life,
but ideally I'd want him to keep his own house and his own money and independence.
Maybe we could buy houses next door to each other, but that's about as close as I'd like to get.
The only marriage I've ever personally observed that I actually admired
was between a STRAIGHT WOMAN and a GAY MAN,
who grew up together and were best friends.
They bought a house together, shared living expenses, and all of life's burdens...they remained best friends;
they both put the family and each other FIRST, and their sex lives, second.
They had two children by in-vitro fertilization
which they both loved and raised together, like any parents.
They both worked, came home and had dinner as a family, talked about their day, and also did regular family things and had family vacations.
But, she had her own boyfriends, outside of the house
and so did he.
They didn't deceive the kids about their respective orientations;
but (like most parents) they also didn't include the children in any in-depth discussions about their personal sex lives, either.
The main thing was, the kids knew that both their parents loved them, and each other,
and had a very stable, respectful, loving family life,
and they both made it very clear to their sexual partners that they were already married,
and were not going to be available for marriage to anyone else, down the road;
and the boyfriends outside of the house were also guys who also didn't want to get married,
so everyone was happy.
It was the most fulfilled, happy marriage I've ever seen.
I love that! It's so sweet!
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.