Mathematicians have discovered that The bible is written in a mathematical pattern called Gematria and is encrypted unlike any other book in history. A universal language based on mathematics.
God's universal Language is the bible.
God created everything by number, weight and measure.
Isaac Newton
Mathematics is a universal language and a language by which God speaks. It is a fact that mathematicians like
Isaac Newton and theologians like E.W. Bullinger discovered the bible to be written in a intelligent mathematical Design far superior to man's capability. Today, the requirement of computers is needed to reveal the hidden truth. A study was done at the university of Jerusalem that gives proof to the discovery by Mathematicians.
Galileo Galilei said, 'The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth'.
Mathematicians like Euler and Borel used their mathematical expertise to discover God and were somewhat successful. But they were no were near as successful as Isaac newton and Bullinger.
1. Leonhard Euler: formula( ei*pi + 1 = 0 ) also know as "God’s formula".
2. Borel, Emil
robability and Life formula
Mathematical signatures or patterns are inherent to the very structure of nature and the universe. While we use our language of mathematics to describe these patterns and all of the precise fine-tuning found in the universe, the mathematical ratios themselves seem to be design evidences: a universal language, unchanging throughout time or place; too precise and nonrandom to be products of chance.
These are just a few examples of Mathematics and God: Φ=Phi = (1.6180339887...) is a number found in universal pattern an a irrational number like pi.pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (3.141592653...) pi= π is an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction having integers in both the numerator and denominator (unlike 22/7). Consequently, its decimal representation never ends and never repeats. π is also a transcendental number, which implies, among other things, that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) can render its value; proving this fact was a significant mathematical achievement of the 19th century. Phi and pi are both ratios defined by particular Euclidean geometries, with phi being the division of a line "so that the ratio of the lesser part to the greater part is the same as the ratio of the greater part to the whole." Phi's abundance in the universe has earned it names such as the Golden Section, the Divine Proportion, the Golden Ratio, and the Golden Mean. This ratio phi can be found in many natural constructs such as in human and animal proportions (i.e., the arrangement of physical features). Phi relationships can be found in DNA, among the planets of the Solar System (as in Kepler's Laws), and so on.
I recommend for all of you to read Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger.
He followed Newton study of the mathematical intelligence behind the bible.
Another good book on the subject is :
The Signature of God
By Grant R. Jeffrey
The laws of mathematics (a universal language) proves the existence of a intelligent being we humans call God.
God Bless.
God's universal Language is the bible.
God created everything by number, weight and measure.
Isaac Newton
Mathematics is a universal language and a language by which God speaks. It is a fact that mathematicians like
Isaac Newton and theologians like E.W. Bullinger discovered the bible to be written in a intelligent mathematical Design far superior to man's capability. Today, the requirement of computers is needed to reveal the hidden truth. A study was done at the university of Jerusalem that gives proof to the discovery by Mathematicians.
Galileo Galilei said, 'The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth'.
Mathematicians like Euler and Borel used their mathematical expertise to discover God and were somewhat successful. But they were no were near as successful as Isaac newton and Bullinger.
1. Leonhard Euler: formula( ei*pi + 1 = 0 ) also know as "God’s formula".
2. Borel, Emil

Mathematical signatures or patterns are inherent to the very structure of nature and the universe. While we use our language of mathematics to describe these patterns and all of the precise fine-tuning found in the universe, the mathematical ratios themselves seem to be design evidences: a universal language, unchanging throughout time or place; too precise and nonrandom to be products of chance.
These are just a few examples of Mathematics and God: Φ=Phi = (1.6180339887...) is a number found in universal pattern an a irrational number like pi.pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (3.141592653...) pi= π is an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction having integers in both the numerator and denominator (unlike 22/7). Consequently, its decimal representation never ends and never repeats. π is also a transcendental number, which implies, among other things, that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) can render its value; proving this fact was a significant mathematical achievement of the 19th century. Phi and pi are both ratios defined by particular Euclidean geometries, with phi being the division of a line "so that the ratio of the lesser part to the greater part is the same as the ratio of the greater part to the whole." Phi's abundance in the universe has earned it names such as the Golden Section, the Divine Proportion, the Golden Ratio, and the Golden Mean. This ratio phi can be found in many natural constructs such as in human and animal proportions (i.e., the arrangement of physical features). Phi relationships can be found in DNA, among the planets of the Solar System (as in Kepler's Laws), and so on.
I recommend for all of you to read Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger.
He followed Newton study of the mathematical intelligence behind the bible.
Another good book on the subject is :
The Signature of God
By Grant R. Jeffrey
The laws of mathematics (a universal language) proves the existence of a intelligent being we humans call God.
God Bless.