RE: Is perception reality?
May 1, 2009 at 9:07 am
Well I see it that reality is what really exists and is also
outside the imagination. Although the imagination ITSELF is real (in the sense that it exists) the imagination does not have to exist outside 'the real world' - which is generally what is meant by 'reality' I think. What is real that is outside our own heads too.
And if there was no consciousness the universe would still it would still be 'real', and not imaginary (besides it can't be imaginary becasue there's no conciousness to imagine it)...
Whatever exists would still exist with or without us so I think there would still be a reality.
But then on the other hand what is meant by reality is also, often, anything that we percieve that isn't 'imaginary' or made up. What corrosponds to 'reality' is often called reality too!
E.G those who's beliefs don't corrospond with reality are said to not live in reality 'not live in the real world' - but then... they DO still live in the same world - the same reality
really. We all live in the same world
'really' don't we?
So I think it's kind of both - depending on the context. Reality is often said to be what is believed that corrsoponds with 'the real world' - but 'the real world' itself is also called reality - in the sense that it is real - it is existence itself - and we live in the same reality really, so noone can be 'not living in the real world' (or reality) in that sense. We all live in the same world really.
Just people are said to 'not be living in the real world' or in reality, when they're beliefs are thought to be deluded, etc, - even though really everyone lives in the real world and reality...
How can you not live in reality and still exist?

If you dont' live in're not real - hence you cannot (and therefore don't) exist!
So you must 'live in reality' in that sense. Everything that is real is reality right? It's existence. When something is 'not reality' then we are thinking up a hypothetical idae, or giving into a delusion that doesn't actually exist outside our own's 'not real' (except in our heads).
Phew it can be a pickle talking about this for me. I know what I mean though - sometimes it's just hard to express it!