Physics, Hindu Cosmology, God and New Age Inspiration
January 28, 2013 at 11:32 am
(This post was last modified: January 28, 2013 at 11:34 am by Confused Ape.)
I thought this would be better in the General Religion forum because it's not really about science or philosophy. Is this going to be the basis for a New Age religion? Does being on the cutting edge of science cause insanity? If so, physics is a very dangerous profession because some of the scientists mentioned in this post are/were physicists. 
I'll start with Erwin Schrödinger because I think that most people will have heard of him.
Fritjof Capra had a vision of Shiva and this relates to CERN (the Eurpean Organisation For Nuclear Research) and Carl Sagan. PREFACE TO "THE TAO OF PHYSICS
There is a statue of Shiva at CERN
Here is an article on Rational giving more information on Carl Sagans views. Carl Sagan on Hinduism - Validated. It's validated as a metaphor which isn't the same thing at all as saying that Shiva is a deity. Here is a tribute to Cark Sagan on Richard Dawkins' website. Happy Carl Sagan Day!
Meanwhile, there's this idea from a scientist in a different field. The Biocentric Universe Theory: Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself. I looked Robert Lanza up.
His specialities are -
I also found this - Robert Lanza Interview By Deepak Chopra. Nobody's obliged to read everything that Deepak Chopra says in the following quote. The interesting thing is that Robert Lanza agrees with him.
So back to physicists. I found that Deepak Chopra had also interviewed Michio Kaku
Here is a quote from the interview. He doesn't appear to think that some of his colleagues have gone nuts. Michio Kaku interview by Deepak Chopra
So what do people think?

I'll start with Erwin Schrödinger because I think that most people will have heard of him.
Quote:He had a lifelong interest in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, which influenced his speculations at the close of What is Life? about the possibility that individual consciousness is only a manifestation of a unitary consciousness pervading the universe.
Fritjof Capra had a vision of Shiva and this relates to CERN (the Eurpean Organisation For Nuclear Research) and Carl Sagan. PREFACE TO "THE TAO OF PHYSICS
Quote:As I sat on that beach my former experiences came to life; I "saw" cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I "saw" the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I "heard" its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshiped by the Hindus.
There is a statue of Shiva at CERN
Quote:Carl Sagan drew the metaphor between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the 'cosmic dance' of subatomic particles.
Here is an article on Rational giving more information on Carl Sagans views. Carl Sagan on Hinduism - Validated. It's validated as a metaphor which isn't the same thing at all as saying that Shiva is a deity. Here is a tribute to Cark Sagan on Richard Dawkins' website. Happy Carl Sagan Day!
Quote:Carl Sagan, who introduced many to the love of science and scientific inquiry, would have been 78 today.
Meanwhile, there's this idea from a scientist in a different field. The Biocentric Universe Theory: Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself. I looked Robert Lanza up.
Quote:Robert Paul Lanza (born 11 February 1956) is an American Doctor of Medicine, scientist, Chief Scientific Officer of Advanced Cell Technology (ACT)[1] and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
His specialities are -
Quote:Stem cell biology, cloning, tissue engineering,
I also found this - Robert Lanza Interview By Deepak Chopra. Nobody's obliged to read everything that Deepak Chopra says in the following quote. The interesting thing is that Robert Lanza agrees with him.
Quote:DC: You know what you say is just totally music to my ears. You know in the tradition I grew up in: Vedanta they had these beautiful expressions. I’m not in the world, the world is in me. I’m not in the body, the body is in me. I’m not in the mind, the mind is in me. As I curve back within myself I experience my mind in my consciousness I experience my own body in my consciousness and I experience my whole world in my consciousness. So that consciousness exists outside of space-time because it actually conceives and constructs space-time as well and therefore being outside of space-time, transcendent it has no beginning and time, it has no edges in space and therefore it has no ending in time as well. You know the whole goal of Eastern wisdom traditions has been to experience this as our identity. That even when I think about the brain that in thinking about the brain is in consciousness. When I mathematically conceive of the laws of nature they are still in my consciousness. You know you’re coming from a very scientific perspective but essentially saying the same thing.
RL: Absolutely. I couldn’t have said it any better than you just expressed it. We’re arriving at exactly the same point in the book Biocentrism, basically I’m taking all of the existing science and basically I’m arriving unequivocally at the same end point that you’ve just described.
So back to physicists. I found that Deepak Chopra had also interviewed Michio Kaku
Quote:Kaku has had over 70 articles published in physics journals such as Physical Review, covering topics such as superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronic physics.[6] In 1974, along with Prof. Keiji Kikkawa of Osaka University, he authored the first papers describing string theory in a field form.[7][8] Kaku is the author of several textbooks on string theory and quantum field theory.
Here is a quote from the interview. He doesn't appear to think that some of his colleagues have gone nuts. Michio Kaku interview by Deepak Chopra
Quote:DC: So not only Neils Bohr, but I believe Eugene Wigner and John Wheeler. They all say…
MK: Many Nobel laureates.
DC: Are they saying the physical universe would not exist unless there were conscious sentient beings looking at it?
MK: That’s what it leads to. Their theory says that I exist because you look at me, somebody looks at you so you exist, so who looks at her? Who looks at us? Well, God. So Eugene Wigner who helped to build the Atomic Bomb, one of the founders of the quantum theory, in his autobiography said this is the proof of the existence of some kind of omniscient being i.e. God.
So what do people think?