RE: You know what really grinds my gears? RAPE-UBLICANS
September 10, 2013 at 5:19 pm
(September 7, 2013 at 5:07 am)Creed of Heresy Wrote: First: Not a red herring, just commenting on a point I find highly amusing. Not to mention you just strawman'd since I have not denied anything to establish humanity and personhood; I have gone on record as stating that what defines a human being is personhood, genetics being a PART but not the encompassing WHOLE of what defines a human being. Good try, though, you almost had something...even if that something was going in a horribly erroneous direction.
You have that backwards, a human being is the scientifically determined state; personhood is the philosophically determined state. I cannot argue that a dog is a person and therefore also a human being, a dog is not a person because it is scientifically not a human being. A fertilized egg is scientifically a living human being.
Quote: And how do YOU know that similarities in so on and so on imply a common designer? I know they don't because I've seen no evidence so far to imply that it was
I know who the designer is of course. How do you know they are due to a common ancestor?
Quote: (not to mention the endless moving of the goalposts that make the hollowness of the claims of "creation" even more blatantly obvious)
Examples needed.
Quote: and the original claims in the bible stated that the world was created in seven days which is not possible anymore given what we know, as is the evidence that humans spontaneously existed alongside everything else...
It’s actually six days. Why is it impossible for an omnipotent God to create the Universe in six days? Simply because you say so? You lost me there.
Quote: which the fossil record disproves with indescribable ease.
Really? How?
Quote: You are starting with a presupposition and assuming it's right without any knowledge to instigate that belief other than what you are told without even knowing anything about its sources, contexts, or reliability, not to mention the fact that the supposed basis of beliefs are based on eye-witness testimony from millenia ago.
Well a PREsupposition is usually something you start with.

When the Bible was written is irrelevant to whether or not it is true though.
Quote: It's long been shown that eyewitness testimonies are the weakest kind of evidence to bring to bear in a court of law because so often, they are contradictory, faulty, fabrications, and/or misrememberings.
When did we enter a courtroom? Irrelevant point even if it were true.
Quote: Bring forth the tangible evidence that shows the common creator, but just remember Ockham's Razor when you make the desperately empty attempt to do so; it'll cut you pretty badly.
Occam’s razor is only used when two theories are identical in regards to their explanatory power the one with the fewer assumptions is preferable for pragmatic reasons. The creation model is far superior in explanatory power so Occam’s Razor (which was devised by a creationist) does not apply here.
No, I was right. When we find remains we do not have to determine if the original creature was self-aware and conscious, we merely test the genetics and if they come back similar to other humans we classify them as human remains.
(September 7, 2013 at 12:51 pm)downbeatplumb Wrote: I can't have read his right. Surely he can't mean this!
I do not know whether you read it right or not, but I meant what I wrote.
(September 7, 2013 at 3:20 pm)missluckie26 Wrote: Yep. Those gold bull making fornicating cheating arrogant complaining disbelieving chicken shit mass murdering pieces of shit were apparently the upstanding model of Christian civility.
Where did I say that? I simply said they were more civilized than we are today, which they were.