RE: Healthcare in America
December 11, 2009 at 12:33 pm
I call him "Barky", or Barry Sotero.
What are some quips, ummm. Is it change yet? Or, we gave him a trillion dollars, is it change yet?
Yes, I quite dislike Obama, and have since long before the election. I would love for someone to tell me it is a subconscious, or secret racism issue, I absolutely love that line of BS. Anyone that is allowed to be considered for the presidency is not a friend of mine. I don't meant to be contrary, but I don't think the economic and governmental leaders of that country and me have the same priorities.
Although I feel for the disenchanted, I also have to shake my head and ask "why?". They will say "He said so many nice things before we elected him", and I will say "And no politician has ever done that before?". And they will ponder. How they will ponder...
I am glad we can find something to agree on, and If I may here apologize for being so impolite to you these days. I don't make it clear enough that although I strongly disagree with you on some points, I greatly appreciate your input. You are allowed to have an opinion if I am.
Sorry, and thank you.
