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Let's Just Say...
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 12, 2014 at 4:22 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: Is the Islamic deity Allah a nicer character than the Biblical God?
No, though Allah and Yahweh are comparable (Jesus is a clear improvement over both). Allah is more focused on the hell fire bit (roughly 80% of the Koran...seriously) whereas Yahweh likes to throw in a few memorable stories between his fits of rage.
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 11, 2014 at 10:01 pm)Revelation777 Wrote:
(June 11, 2014 at 8:28 pm)pocaracas Wrote: What does it mean to "receive him"?
Have the guy over for dinner? Sure, why not? I could have a little chat with him about methodology, psychology, astronomy, sociology and a few other details that would rub the back of my head the wrong way, if that hypothetical was to become real.

I would love for Him to share lunch with you. He can answer all your questions. Zacchaeus was converted when he did.

You would...

Why is a conversion required? If the guy exists, then everyone should acknowledge that... shouldn't be a difficult task for such a being.
The clear absence of such universal agreement is a clear indication of the fictitious nature of all godly beings.
RE: Let's Just Say...
I suddenly have this overpowering desire to dig up Blaise Pascal and beat him over the head with his own shinbone.

‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 11, 2014 at 9:59 pm)Revelation777 Wrote: Unfortunately, for you at least, the plan of salvation is through His Son and none other.

Rev, this is just another astounding example of the ability of many Christians to blindly accept the unreasonable. The idea of vicarious atonement is antithetical to any reasonable concept of justice. If we primates can figure this out it would seem that a being capable of creating the cosmos could also. This is another example of why your story is myth and a reason why the God of the Bible most certainly does not exist.
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 12, 2014 at 3:34 am)BlackMason Wrote: Look I don't know you but I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit. I think because of the nature of this thread a lot of people are being disingenuous. Have you ever been mugged before? Have you ever been held at gun point? Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by a burglar who held you at screw driver point threatening your life? Then you find out later that he wasn't there for a regular burglary. He was there to kill your cousin because she turned him down for a date. Have you ever been in a life threatening situation under duress from someone else? Look I've never been held at gun point but I know people who have. I've gone through all of the other things I've mentioned above.

My point is that when your life is on the line your brain stops working normally. When I got mugged people asked me why I didn't ask the dude for my sim card? BECAUSE I WAS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT SEEING ANOTHER DAY! It didn't even occur to me to think about sim cards.
. . .

Come on guys. You know you'd bow so far that you could kiss your asshole. If a man holding you at gun point, no scratch that, at knife point can get you to do it, a maniacal god sure as hell can.

What's all this about? The question is whether, if I knew God was real, I would worship God in order to attain Heaven. I don't know if I would or not, but if it's the Biblical Bible, and if I wasn't under direct duress, I think I would choose not to follow such a God, even to benefit myself.
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 10, 2014 at 11:55 pm)Revelation777 Wrote: Let's Just Say that there is a God and He is the one described in the Bible. As much as you disagree or believe in the contrary, humor me and let's say that this is the case. If that be so and there is a hope for eternal life by placing your faith in Christ, would you accept that and receive Him? Or, would you defiantly reject this offer?
I'd accept his offer and readily wait for the day when he sends me and my Christian brothers into battle with orders to rape and pillage and burn!!! I'd get up early just to be at the front of the line where you get to massacre a family except for the virgin girls, which we'd take as wives. I want to watch the fields burn, and hear the screeches of the livestock as we put them down, and hear the pitiful pleas of the elderly and nursing mothers as I level my sword, ready to end their miserable existence and send them screaming to their fiery torment. HELL YEAH!!!

Or is this not the same god you were thinking of? Thinking
"Well, evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape- like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered."

-Stephen Jay Gould
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 12, 2014 at 3:34 am)BlackMason Wrote:
(June 10, 2014 at 11:55 pm)Revelation777 Wrote: Let's Just Say that there is a God and He is the one described in the Bible. As much as you disagree or believe in the contrary, humor me and let's say that this is the case. If that be so and there is a hope for eternal life by placing your faith in Christ, would you accept that and receive Him? Or, would you defiantly reject this offer?

You'd have to be a fool to reject eternal life in the kingdom of god for hell. Anyone who says otherwise isn't being honest. Mafuckers bitch about stubbing their toe on a step. Hell finna toast a bitch's ass.

(June 11, 2014 at 1:03 am)bennyboy Wrote: Hard to say. A God who lets children suffer and die is kind of a prick. So's a God who floods out almost the entire human species, women and children included, because he has poopy pants about the way they're using the freedom he gave them. I might have to choose the eternal damnation or oblivion as the more honorable choice. After all, bribes only go so far in pulling a person away from a proper moral system.

Look I don't know you but I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit. I think because of the nature of this thread a lot of people are being disingenuous. Have you ever been mugged before? Have you ever been held at gun point? Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by a burglar who held you at screw driver point threatening your life? Then you find out later that he wasn't there for a regular burglary. He was there to kill your cousin because she turned him down for a date. Have you ever been in a life threatening situation under duress from someone else? Look I've never been held at gun point but I know people who have. I've gone through all of the other things I've mentioned above.

My point is that when your life is on the line your brain stops working normally. When I got mugged people asked me why I didn't ask the dude for my sim card? BECAUSE I WAS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT SEEING ANOTHER DAY! It didn't even occur to me to think about sim cards.

Mafuckers on this thread don't even have the balls to stand up to their neighbours and they claiming they'd stand up to a GOD that is best described thusly:

Richard Dawkins Wrote:The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

Come on guys. You know you'd bow so far that you could kiss your asshole. If a man holding you at gun point, no scratch that, at knife point can get you to do it, a maniacal god sure as hell can.

Okay, you have a point. When the big guy kicks the door down I shall expect to shit my pants then. Happy? However these stories told of bad ass gods which no one can detect are a different story. Can't even bring myself to pee my pants a little over their ghost stories. Sorry.
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 12, 2014 at 8:46 am)whateverist Wrote: [quote='BlackMason' pid='686850' dateline='1402558460']

Okay, you have a point. When the big guy kicks the door down I shall expect to shit my pants then. Happy? However these stories told of bad ass gods which no one can detect are a different story. Can't even bring myself to pee my pants a little over their ghost stories. Sorry.
Not even a little baby widdle?

On a scale of 1 to 100 where one is the lowest level imaginable, say equivalent to your fear of spoons, and one is abject terror...
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
RE: Let's Just Say...
(June 12, 2014 at 8:18 am)bennyboy Wrote:
(June 12, 2014 at 3:34 am)BlackMason Wrote: Look I don't know you but I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit. I think because of the nature of this thread a lot of people are being disingenuous. Have you ever been mugged before? Have you ever been held at gun point? Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by a burglar who held you at screw driver point threatening your life? Then you find out later that he wasn't there for a regular burglary. He was there to kill your cousin because she turned him down for a date. Have you ever been in a life threatening situation under duress from someone else? Look I've never been held at gun point but I know people who have. I've gone through all of the other things I've mentioned above.

My point is that when your life is on the line your brain stops working normally. When I got mugged people asked me why I didn't ask the dude for my sim card? BECAUSE I WAS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT SEEING ANOTHER DAY! It didn't even occur to me to think about sim cards.
. . .

Come on guys. You know you'd bow so far that you could kiss your asshole. If a man holding you at gun point, no scratch that, at knife point can get you to do it, a maniacal god sure as hell can.

What's all this about? The question is whether, if I knew God was real, I would worship God in order to attain Heaven. I don't know if I would or not, but if it's the Biblical Bible, and if I wasn't under direct duress, I think I would choose not to follow such a God, even to benefit myself.

if this type of god is real, it isnt god. "god" of the bible wouldnt give a flying fuk what you believe. All it would want is for you to be the best you , you can be.

Just as he made you.

but, my guess is many would reject that too. because in the end, its not about "truth", its about being right. Clap
RE: Let's Just Say...
Given that there's no actual description of heaven that's ever provided, and given that all Lucifer/Satan/Beelzebub/etc did was go "hey, you two. Pssst. That apple's REALLY good. Plus that guy up there, he's kind of a dick, trust me, I know," and given how god proved Lucifer right by cursing all humanity forever and kept going on mad, violent, bloodthirsty rampages, I'm gonna go ahead and say I'll throw my lot in with Mr. Elzebub. All we have to go on about hell is the bible and, well...history is written by the victor; history is filled with liars. By sheer numbers of the people who believe in god as opposed to the people who believe in the "devil," who got to write history, if all this bogus were true?

Jesus coming down and saying his death will save us all from a sin that his daddy placed on us to begin with and that we supposedly had been living with (and apparently still live with) because our distant ancestors made skydaddy mad because they ate a fucking apple, if this were all true, it sounds a lot more like god realizing that people hearing about him and his tendencies in the future might come off as really bad and might make them forsake him and the ol' rebellious bastard would make them all wake up to what skydaddy had done and will continue to do. And realizing that if the second war in heaven approaching comes around with the rebel having waaaay more souldiers [heh, see what I did there?] than he does, he's gonna get his ass beat. So like the masterfully manipulative dick he is (look at what he did to Job just to win a bet with Satan; seriously, the guy's a shit), he keeps claiming he's the omnipotent one but now he's all-loving and he forgives them, and they can go to his side, but only if they accept him via his son's sacrifice (or supposed sacrifice; there's not a lot of weight to a sacrifice when you come back to life or didn't even die in the first place!). And if they go to his side, it'll be REALLY nice!

There's no specifics about what's so nice about it, of course. Some vague, half-baked allusions that give nobody any clue whatsoever what heaven entails. But there's TONS of details about the torments and agonies and miseries and suffering! Even though prior to that, god neglected to mention anything about all that. And the details are so lurid and obscene, you can't help but wonder: Maybe it's intimate knowledge that god is using for these descriptions. No wonder he can't describe a place of good and compassion and harmony; he doesn't know the first fucking thing about it! He's been nothing but a temper-tantrum-throwing jealous genocidal maniac the entire time, meanwhile Satan's been sitting here going "Yo, maybe this guy is really, REALLY not the guy you want to be siding with." Supposedly Satan killed Job's family, with god saying "sure go ahead," but again, Job stuck with god, and it's about god we read about, not satan; history is written by the victory; history is written by liars.

And considering that was it, that was Satan's supposedly only killings (and it sounds a lot more like god trying to pin the crime on his enemy rather than admitting it was him, even though it was clearly his jealousy and paranoia that perhaps his most deluded follower might not be QUITE as deluded as he hoped that made him commit this sadistic act), and meanwhile god's just butchering people left, right, and center? And that it's god, not Satan, that is going to be the one who destroys the earth and kills everyone on it who isn't kissing his ass at that point?

I'm starting to think that what is supposedly hell is really the home of those who think and act for themselves and do their own thing throughout eternity without fear of a jealous sadist's petty retributions, and what is supposedly heaven is actually the hell of which the bible speaks of. And that when god destroys the earth, it's because it'll no longer be a source of his slaves, and in his usual fits of jealousy, he's gonna Dead everyone left on the planet at that point. Scorched earth policy. A common military strategy to deny your enemy resources when you can no longer hold them yourself: Destroy everything before you lose or otherwise quit the field. (Also, so much for that free will thing, huh? Be my mindless servant or supposedly you're gonna burn for eternity... Free will my ass!)

Sooo. No. I would not accept Jesus as my savior, because he is clearly a baited trap designed to lock people into an agonizing servitude throughout eternity at the hands of the REAL Great Enemy. I would reject him AND god and tell them to shove it up their ass. Then I'd go smoke a J with Satan, Christopher Hitchens, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Carl Sagan and friends, and get some of that demon-girl booty...

[Image: demon_school_girl_pinup_by_bogusbadge-d4d8as3.jpg]

UNF. Compared to THIS...

[Image: heaven1-620x521.jpg]

Fuck that noise, the sun gives you skin cancer, that should tell you all you need to know about that literal hell...

Also isn't the sun, supposedly the avatar of god or his embodiment or whatever, a fucking ball of hydrofusion, basically meaning it's LITERALLY HOT AS HELL?

Bright burning ball of hydrogen...red-skinned demon-chicks with big titties and a whole eternity to chill with all the coolest people from history, my life, and the future...

Doesn't take me long to figure out where the hell I'd wanna go.

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