Islamic Creation Mythology Destroyed by Basic Physics
August 14, 2014 at 7:05 am
(This post was last modified: August 14, 2014 at 7:11 am by exMohammed.)
This post is directed toward Sunni Muslims, who make up the vast majority of Muslims all over the world. No sunni muslim can argue against a Sahih Hadith that is verified by both Bukhari's Sahih & Muslim's Sahih.
If you are one of this extremely small group called "Quranists" Then I direct you to this page :'an_Only_Is...t_Possible
Muhammad loved telling "historical" stories to his followers to keep them entertained. He usually focused on glorifying ancient people, exaggerating in their size and strength. I can understand his point, as his stories about giant and strong men who lived in the past gave a thrill to his followers. A thrill very similar to the one an 11 year old boy gets when he watches Transformers.
However, the laws of physics have no mercy, and do not tolerate bullshit. Let's take a look at this heavenly scripture from our dear prophet Muhammad
( Source: Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith No. 3148 )
Allah created Adam with a length of 60 arms, And since then humans have been diminishing in size until they reached the current size. However, when Muslims are resurrected and sent to paradise, they will have the same size as adam.
An arm is a unit of measurement used back at the times of Muhammad, an arm meant half a meter, so 60 arms mean 30 meters.
So basically, "Prophet Muhammad" believes in his own form of evolution. He believes that Adam, the first human, was 30 meters long. After Adam, the next generations slowly diminished in size until the time of Muhammad.
Let's forget about the fact that there are no fossils that back up this stupid idea and go to the next point.
From the perspective of a relatively ignorant desert-dwelling pedophile, the idea of giants existing seems feasible. His knowledge of physics does not exceed that of a modern kindergarten child, and he would therefore have no idea that a human giant is physically impossible.
Muhammad's ignorance of Galelio's Square-Cube Law, a mathematical principle, applied in a variety of scientific fields, which describes the relationship between the volume and the area as a shape's size increases or decreases, caused him to commit a fatal error in this hadith.
According to this law, when an object is scaled up, its mass is increased by the cube of the multiplier while its surface area only increases by the square of said multiplier. The strain that will be exerted on Adam's skeleton at that huge size will be strong enough to make it collapse.
Our dear father Adam would have broken his thighs every time he takes a step. His skeleton will not be able to carry his weight, and his cardiovascular and respiratory functions will be severely burdened.
This means that not only Adam, but also all of his grandchildren who eventually got smaller until the human who was small enough not to collapse, are not possible.
"Prophet" Muhammad should have read an Allometry book before spewing out this bullcrap.
Here are some links, quotes, and videos that will help explain to your inferior minds why human giants are impossible :
James Edward Gordon : Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down ( Book)
YouTube videos that explain this in a cool way :
Small is Mighty : the Square-Cube Law By :MITK12Videos
Why No Giant Mammals? By : SciShow
How Big Can a Person Get? By : vSauce
This post is directed toward Sunni Muslims, who make up the vast majority of Muslims all over the world. No sunni muslim can argue against a Sahih Hadith that is verified by both Bukhari's Sahih & Muslim's Sahih.
If you are one of this extremely small group called "Quranists" Then I direct you to this page :'an_Only_Is...t_Possible
Muhammad loved telling "historical" stories to his followers to keep them entertained. He usually focused on glorifying ancient people, exaggerating in their size and strength. I can understand his point, as his stories about giant and strong men who lived in the past gave a thrill to his followers. A thrill very similar to the one an 11 year old boy gets when he watches Transformers.
However, the laws of physics have no mercy, and do not tolerate bullshit. Let's take a look at this heavenly scripture from our dear prophet Muhammad
( Source: Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith No. 3148 )
Allah created Adam with a length of 60 arms, And since then humans have been diminishing in size until they reached the current size. However, when Muslims are resurrected and sent to paradise, they will have the same size as adam.
An arm is a unit of measurement used back at the times of Muhammad, an arm meant half a meter, so 60 arms mean 30 meters.
So basically, "Prophet Muhammad" believes in his own form of evolution. He believes that Adam, the first human, was 30 meters long. After Adam, the next generations slowly diminished in size until the time of Muhammad.
Let's forget about the fact that there are no fossils that back up this stupid idea and go to the next point.
From the perspective of a relatively ignorant desert-dwelling pedophile, the idea of giants existing seems feasible. His knowledge of physics does not exceed that of a modern kindergarten child, and he would therefore have no idea that a human giant is physically impossible.
Muhammad's ignorance of Galelio's Square-Cube Law, a mathematical principle, applied in a variety of scientific fields, which describes the relationship between the volume and the area as a shape's size increases or decreases, caused him to commit a fatal error in this hadith.
According to this law, when an object is scaled up, its mass is increased by the cube of the multiplier while its surface area only increases by the square of said multiplier. The strain that will be exerted on Adam's skeleton at that huge size will be strong enough to make it collapse.
Our dear father Adam would have broken his thighs every time he takes a step. His skeleton will not be able to carry his weight, and his cardiovascular and respiratory functions will be severely burdened.
This means that not only Adam, but also all of his grandchildren who eventually got smaller until the human who was small enough not to collapse, are not possible.
"Prophet" Muhammad should have read an Allometry book before spewing out this bullcrap.
Here are some links, quotes, and videos that will help explain to your inferior minds why human giants are impossible :
Quote:As was elucidated by J. B. S. Haldane, large animals do not look like small animals: an elephant cannot be mistaken for a mouse scaled up in size. This is due to allometric scaling: the bones of an elephant are necessarily proportionately much larger than the bones of a mouse, because they must carry proportionately higher weight. To quote from Haldane's seminal essay On Being the Right Size, "...consider a man 60 feet high...Giant Pope and Giant Pagan in the illustrated Pilgrim's Progress.... These monsters...weighed 1000 times as much as Christian. Every square inch of a giant bone had to support 10 times the weight borne by a square inch of human bone. As the human thigh-bone breaks under about 10 times the human weight, Pope and Pagan would have broken their thighs every time they took a step." Consequently, most animals show allometric scaling with increased size, both among species and within a species.
James Edward Gordon : Structures : Or Why Things Don't Fall Down ( Book)
YouTube videos that explain this in a cool way :
Small is Mighty : the Square-Cube Law By :MITK12Videos
Why No Giant Mammals? By : SciShow
How Big Can a Person Get? By : vSauce