Ok, I hope the admins do not mind me making a new thread with a poem. I will limit this to this one time to make a point about all religions in general. Lots of people who come here, both atheist and theist, have great intent in wanting humans to get along. I agree all we have is each other, but to me, there is a way to do it and a way not to do it. I submit this poem as something to think about. Not as a call to end religion by force, but to shift it to the rightful place of being a personal issue as an idea, a claim, and not a taboo to be protected. Human rights need to be protected. Claims however should always be open to scrutiny and even with blasphemy violence in response should not be acceptable in civil society.
Why Is It? By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter)
Why is it
You never hear
Stories of violence
Over your favorite band?
Why is it
You never hear
Stories of violence
Over your favorite food?
Why is it
You cannot kill
Someone for blaspheming
Your favorite tv show?
Why is it
If a fight occurs
In an NFL stadium
The parties are arrested?
Why is it
The religious insist
On violence over
That with no evidence?
Also posted here post #534 at my home poetry thread. http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/31771?page=10
Why Is It? By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter)
Why is it
You never hear
Stories of violence
Over your favorite band?
Why is it
You never hear
Stories of violence
Over your favorite food?
Why is it
You cannot kill
Someone for blaspheming
Your favorite tv show?
Why is it
If a fight occurs
In an NFL stadium
The parties are arrested?
Why is it
The religious insist
On violence over
That with no evidence?
Also posted here post #534 at my home poetry thread. http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/31771?page=10