Islam Zombie
February 18, 2015 at 8:32 am
(This post was last modified: February 18, 2015 at 9:55 am by mralstoner.)
Obama recently took his "ISIS is not Islamic" rhetoric to another level at the (now infamous) prayer breakfast meeting (explained below).
When I hear such affronts to reason, evidence and facts, the Cranberries' song Zombie starts playing in my head, although the words are changed. The zombies are not fighters in Northern Ireland, the zombies are Obama and the media and academia who refuse to study Islam, but who instead remain silent and obstinately ignorant of reality.
The perps are ISIS and their Western proxies, but the zombies are Obama and the media who snuff out rationality with a impenetrable wall of Newspeak.
I give you Islam Zombie (lyrics below) ...
Here is the Obama prayer breakfast quote:
Christians were offended by his equating ISIS with the Crusades. But I was offended by his affront to reason, facts, and evidence.
So, there's nothing unique about Islam that inspires violence more so than other religions? Are you sure, Obama? How do you know?
Of course, this is not a rational argument by Obama, it's a distraction. Obama does not want us to look into Islam, to study it, because he's afraid of what we'll find out.
Obama identifies strongly with Muslims because of his Muslim family heritage, and childhood spent in Indonesia.
If we were to study Islam, we might find out that the terrorists have the more credible interpretation of Islam, which implies that moderate Muslims might be ignorant fools about Islam i.e. flag bearers for a truly repulsive head-chopping religion.
This is humiliating for moderate Muslims, and for Obama who identifies strongly with Muslims.
That is why he distracts us away from looking into Islam. The truth is humiliating.
The kindest thing we can say about Islam is that it is open to interpretation, but the terrorists have a very credible interpretation (dare I say, more credible).
This denial and refusal to study Islam is not limited to Obama, it runs right through the media and academia.
They are zombies.
The refusal to study Islam, because it might humiliate moderate Muslims, is a national security threat. Obama is placing the feelings of moderate Muslims above national security. It is a dereliction of duty. He is not president of America, he is president of moderate Muslims.
In “Audacity of Hope” (page 261) Obama wrote: "I will stand with them [Muslims] should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".
He wasn't kidding. His first allegiance is to Muslims, not to America.
For a rational study of Islam, see these videos:
Postscript, I forgot how many zombies there are on this forum too. So, for all the atheist apologists for Islam here, count yourself among the zombies. Please hand back your rationality certificate and I will give it to someone more worthy. Christians are more rational than many atheists here, when it comes to a sane response to the existential threat of Islam.
When I hear such affronts to reason, evidence and facts, the Cranberries' song Zombie starts playing in my head, although the words are changed. The zombies are not fighters in Northern Ireland, the zombies are Obama and the media and academia who refuse to study Islam, but who instead remain silent and obstinately ignorant of reality.
The perps are ISIS and their Western proxies, but the zombies are Obama and the media who snuff out rationality with a impenetrable wall of Newspeak.
I give you Islam Zombie (lyrics below) ...
Quote:Another head hangs lowly,
Life is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence.
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In Islam, in Islam they are fighting,
With Koran and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In Islam, in Islam, they are crying...
In Islam, in Islam,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in Islam?
In Islam?
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...
Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taken over
When the violence causes silence,
We must be mistaken.
It's the same old team since 623.
In Islam, in Islam they're still fighting,
With Koran and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In Islam, in Islam, they are dying...
Here is the Obama prayer breakfast quote:
Quote:And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ... So this is not unique to one group or one religion.
Christians were offended by his equating ISIS with the Crusades. But I was offended by his affront to reason, facts, and evidence.
So, there's nothing unique about Islam that inspires violence more so than other religions? Are you sure, Obama? How do you know?
Of course, this is not a rational argument by Obama, it's a distraction. Obama does not want us to look into Islam, to study it, because he's afraid of what we'll find out.
Obama identifies strongly with Muslims because of his Muslim family heritage, and childhood spent in Indonesia.
If we were to study Islam, we might find out that the terrorists have the more credible interpretation of Islam, which implies that moderate Muslims might be ignorant fools about Islam i.e. flag bearers for a truly repulsive head-chopping religion.
This is humiliating for moderate Muslims, and for Obama who identifies strongly with Muslims.
That is why he distracts us away from looking into Islam. The truth is humiliating.
The kindest thing we can say about Islam is that it is open to interpretation, but the terrorists have a very credible interpretation (dare I say, more credible).
This denial and refusal to study Islam is not limited to Obama, it runs right through the media and academia.
They are zombies.
The refusal to study Islam, because it might humiliate moderate Muslims, is a national security threat. Obama is placing the feelings of moderate Muslims above national security. It is a dereliction of duty. He is not president of America, he is president of moderate Muslims.
In “Audacity of Hope” (page 261) Obama wrote: "I will stand with them [Muslims] should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".
He wasn't kidding. His first allegiance is to Muslims, not to America.
For a rational study of Islam, see these videos:
Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam
A Rational Study of Radical Islam, by Dr. Bill Warner
Postscript, I forgot how many zombies there are on this forum too. So, for all the atheist apologists for Islam here, count yourself among the zombies. Please hand back your rationality certificate and I will give it to someone more worthy. Christians are more rational than many atheists here, when it comes to a sane response to the existential threat of Islam.