Is God really real or are people simply deluded?
March 10, 2015 at 3:13 pm
(This post was last modified: March 10, 2015 at 3:15 pm by RobertE.)
This is my first attempt at a thread about religion, and hopefully it will be an average one. To go with my average intelligence and also my limited ability to speak from a point of view of an atheist or agnostic.
Admittedly, I have read the bible from front to back and back to front. I don't think I have missed anything. I'll get straight to the point anyway. We all know that certain characters in the old testament lived to a ripe old age of about 800 years, until God decided to flood the earth and state (if I am correct, since it has been a long time since I have had a bible in my hands) that all humans will live upto 120 years of age.
This is all very well, however, what with the food they were eating, the working conditions, the conditions in which they found themselves living in, and most importantly of all; medicinal needs. With the aforementioned conditions, it is very possible that most humans around that time lived to about the age of 40 or perhaps a little bit more.
I guess I am straying from the point I am initially trying to make. What I really would like to know is this. Is it possible that God actually existed in the flesh, that is to say, someone who had some sort of education, who was actually able to prey on those who were considered at the time, uneducated and thus believe anything whatever a certain person would say?
Throughout history, we have seen many Catholic missionaries trying and succeeding in converting native Indians in South America and also the peoples of Africa and other countries. They did so, because they had the knowledge and whatever they said, would be taken as "gospel." Being intelligent and writing a book that spoke of Adam and Eve, the creation of the earth in 7 days, that is all very well if you want to believe, but to someone who is uneducated, this will become fact and it would be very hard to dissuade them to think otherwise because religion would be the only thing they ever know; basicaly living their lives through a book.
So, to sum it all up, if I was to go to Mars tomorrow and found a few people and told them that I created a new world, they would no doubt call me a god and everything I would say would become the truth. Basically, I am guessing that there were a couple of people around that time who were either literate or semi-literate, clever enough to write a book, and they used this book to manipulate the people into committing mass genocide and doing it in "Gods name."
As for "God created heaven and Earth", in Genesis. I really do hope there are some forms of life on Mars. If and when they are discovered, religion will no longer have anymore legs to stand on.
I have a great deal to learn about atheism so, please bear with me.
Admittedly, I have read the bible from front to back and back to front. I don't think I have missed anything. I'll get straight to the point anyway. We all know that certain characters in the old testament lived to a ripe old age of about 800 years, until God decided to flood the earth and state (if I am correct, since it has been a long time since I have had a bible in my hands) that all humans will live upto 120 years of age.
This is all very well, however, what with the food they were eating, the working conditions, the conditions in which they found themselves living in, and most importantly of all; medicinal needs. With the aforementioned conditions, it is very possible that most humans around that time lived to about the age of 40 or perhaps a little bit more.
I guess I am straying from the point I am initially trying to make. What I really would like to know is this. Is it possible that God actually existed in the flesh, that is to say, someone who had some sort of education, who was actually able to prey on those who were considered at the time, uneducated and thus believe anything whatever a certain person would say?
Throughout history, we have seen many Catholic missionaries trying and succeeding in converting native Indians in South America and also the peoples of Africa and other countries. They did so, because they had the knowledge and whatever they said, would be taken as "gospel." Being intelligent and writing a book that spoke of Adam and Eve, the creation of the earth in 7 days, that is all very well if you want to believe, but to someone who is uneducated, this will become fact and it would be very hard to dissuade them to think otherwise because religion would be the only thing they ever know; basicaly living their lives through a book.
So, to sum it all up, if I was to go to Mars tomorrow and found a few people and told them that I created a new world, they would no doubt call me a god and everything I would say would become the truth. Basically, I am guessing that there were a couple of people around that time who were either literate or semi-literate, clever enough to write a book, and they used this book to manipulate the people into committing mass genocide and doing it in "Gods name."
As for "God created heaven and Earth", in Genesis. I really do hope there are some forms of life on Mars. If and when they are discovered, religion will no longer have anymore legs to stand on.
I have a great deal to learn about atheism so, please bear with me.