Recent Registree seeks the bas of Heliopolis
April 15, 2015 at 5:27 pm
(This post was last modified: April 15, 2015 at 5:39 pm by Hatshepsut.
Edit Reason: qualifier & style
Checking out the idea of tossing a hat in this ring. Unfortunately, most of the debates between atheists and their interlocutors from the world of piety quickly become trodden underfoot. I don't wish to be a mere donkey following a pack train when the argument of the road's civil engineer bests anything I can come up with. Which will make it hard for me to add much.
If Richard Dawkins says my genes are selfish, then I must say I'd like to keep them confined in their current canister a while longer. Forever, if possible. I suspect that was what religion was about: Become Emperor Qinshihuang with a terracotta army yet the little matter of mortality steps in to limit the fun. The afterlife isn't so hard a step given we've never experienced what it's like to be dead. Effectively, it's as if we've always been alive, making a continuity assumption for life tenable despite the evidence of all those coffins piling up around us.
But religion gets tied together with violence like Senwosret's papyrus and sedge, a fact Americans should have realized on September 11. That they did not bothers me. It is not only Islam which coerces, just that some of this religion chose to ring the century bell and tell us to wake up before it gets late in the day lest we lose our franchises.
Anyway, hats off to the site's proprietors.
If Richard Dawkins says my genes are selfish, then I must say I'd like to keep them confined in their current canister a while longer. Forever, if possible. I suspect that was what religion was about: Become Emperor Qinshihuang with a terracotta army yet the little matter of mortality steps in to limit the fun. The afterlife isn't so hard a step given we've never experienced what it's like to be dead. Effectively, it's as if we've always been alive, making a continuity assumption for life tenable despite the evidence of all those coffins piling up around us.
But religion gets tied together with violence like Senwosret's papyrus and sedge, a fact Americans should have realized on September 11. That they did not bothers me. It is not only Islam which coerces, just that some of this religion chose to ring the century bell and tell us to wake up before it gets late in the day lest we lose our franchises.
Anyway, hats off to the site's proprietors.