A couple of the several rants I've submitted to local newspapers and religious sites, no doubt deleted. I haven't had any writing classes. Be gentle 
The Good Father
My name is Michael. I'm a loving, faithful father. I'm in love with the woman of my dreams and we've been married for 8 years. I'm a law abiding citizen- clean, respectful to my neighbors, and a yard-work-aholic. I'm polite when it counts, loyal, confident, and successful. I'm a drug-free, heart healthy 27 year-old professional. I have two children ages 6 and 3. I guide them with a loving, experienced hand though firm when necessary. I'm active politically, speak honestly, and listen to the opinions of others with an open mind. I'm not perfect- don't take this rant the wrong way. I've done my share of bad deeds and have been held accountable for the worst of them.
I've been saved by christianity, gotten people saved, and preached the word of god.. but hat was before I knew better. Smile for me as you read this line, life is good. Be thankful for what you have because it doesn't last long. By the time you're done with this article, if you can even finish it, you'll most likely be upset with me. I thought that first paragraph was necessary and now you'll see why.
My name is Michael, and I am an anti-theist. Not only do I NOT believe in a higher power, I actively teach those close to me that most organized religion is a crime on humanity, and truly believe it a detriment to society.
So if I hadn't have put that first paragraph up, what would I look like in your mind? It's so easy to label someone you read in a book, or follow on the internet because based on their personality you picture what you love, or hate the most. We need to break the stereotype that religious organizations have brought to the table in the war against atheism. We aren't evil or morally bankrupt any more than the hypocritical, aggressive christians.
I could tell you whats going to happen in the future, but I'd rather tell you what we are capable of, not necessarily what we are going to do so don't take this the wrong way, either. Christianity, I'll speak to you more than any religion- but this goes to all who think themselves members of organized theistic society. You started a war a long time ago, and now you'll fall to the sword you sharpened with the blood of innocents over the past, (time of human thought - present).
Just like you- we can use tactics, business, and the internet to effect our own brand of change on this planet. We can start a local social group and expect others not to interfere in weekly meetings. Create our own websites to spread our belief and strengthen our numbers while you watch helplessly from the sidelines. Write small comic books, advertising to the younger generation that it's okay to NOT be religious. I can put stickers on my car, depicting my beliefs and be proud while you stare and you follow me down the street. I could target your children at the age in which they are most susceptible to my paraphernalia- but I wouldn't, that would make me everything I despise about religion. I will be supportive as I discuss philosophy, books, and history to my bloodline and friends. History in which I will ACCURATELY portrait religions roles in.
I didn't want it to come to this. I've tried to live in harmony with you, religion. I really have. You created me. You shoved, pushed, pressed, rushed and forced your beliefs down my throat for so long that it sickens me now. I used to have complete religious tolerance- not I find myself teetering on the edge. You lied to me, and I'll tell you like I tell my kids. The punishment for lying to me will be much worse than the one for telling the truth about your wrong-doings.
America. We're here and on this sphere, get used to it. (you see what I did there? tehee) We're standing with our heads held high. Too long have you held your knife to the throat of a freethinking lifestyle. No more. The more we Atheists band together and shout out our freedoms we hold so dear in this country- the faster your decline. All we have to do is be active and wait for our numbers to grow. I told you you'd be upset.
How do we protect our children from religious predators?
This is not so much a rant- more like a request for info so that I may write up something to spread to our own people to better defend themselves. Feel free to comment from your own experiences and strengthen our resolve.
Few things in life anger me as much as an aggressive evangelical christian targeting my children for "salvation". It happens all the time and we just don't see it. I grew up in a church where it was a tactic to invite friends over for sleepovers, with the intention of taking them to church on Sunday. My family was awesome. On Saturday nights I wasn't allowed to leave, but why would I? They'd lure kids of all ages to our home with pizza, movies, games, late bed times, etc. I didn't see the harm as a preteen christian. Sunday morning rolls around and we all load up in the church van and make our way to one of the most destructive environments I've ever witnessed. Hell fire, brimstone, believe it or burn, corporal punishment, and KJV bibles. (NIV's not allowed.)
This church was interracial, (a big deal in smalltown, AL), and had few members, and most of them were my family. My grandfather was in charge of music. My Uncle is now the pastor. It is a beautiful church. I remember some Sundays you can fit everyone there in the first pew. Sometimes on easter or christmas we had 20-30 people in attendance. Similar to Westboro Baptist though not so bold.
How do I protect my children from the poisonous doctrine of not just christianity, but all the other active faith-spreaders in society?
I want to put together a pamphlet so spread to my atheist friends but I need more advice from others who've dealt with this within their family. Here's some of my experiences.
I love my mother and father. They're good people. Accepting and loving though they don't agree with my ways- the rest of my family not so much. I usually visit my hometown once every few years. Everyone knows to avoid debate with me as most don't recover from my verbal beatings and I have yet to install a filter in my brain. My mother once asked me if she could take my kids to church. I let her as they were too young to be persuaded of anything negative and it gives her an opportunity to spend time with her grand kids. Now that my kids are older, there is NO WAY they are going to any church of any kind.
When I think they are old enough to make the decision to go, maybe. I won't like it but I am trying to stay on the road of religious tolerance, even though I come off as the "destroy religion!" type.
Secondly, how do we ensure they aren't being manipulated in the public education system? It's not like I can go and watch everyday to ensure my kids aren't targeted by pre-teen, brainwashed "children of god". I have to get a jumpstart on my young ones education and ensure he is prepared to defend himself from religious bullying. I also went to my kids elementary school, made my position known, and ensured everyone had my cell phone number. They were actually cool about it- I'm more concerned about high school, the age which kids are most susceptible to religious paraphernalia and doctrine. Chick tracks are a sensitive issue with me. They are small comic books of stories ending with the salvation prayer, designed to target teens... or morons who can't read.
One thing I've learned. KNOW THE LAW. Public schools are required by law to avoid certain things, as well as ensure others. This site will prepare you and your kids for battle with the school system. I guarantee that you walk into a school prepared with a binder of printed of laws and legislation, they will ensure that your concerns are shared. It will also remind them that this is NOT a christian nation. www. athiest. org

The Good Father
My name is Michael. I'm a loving, faithful father. I'm in love with the woman of my dreams and we've been married for 8 years. I'm a law abiding citizen- clean, respectful to my neighbors, and a yard-work-aholic. I'm polite when it counts, loyal, confident, and successful. I'm a drug-free, heart healthy 27 year-old professional. I have two children ages 6 and 3. I guide them with a loving, experienced hand though firm when necessary. I'm active politically, speak honestly, and listen to the opinions of others with an open mind. I'm not perfect- don't take this rant the wrong way. I've done my share of bad deeds and have been held accountable for the worst of them.
I've been saved by christianity, gotten people saved, and preached the word of god.. but hat was before I knew better. Smile for me as you read this line, life is good. Be thankful for what you have because it doesn't last long. By the time you're done with this article, if you can even finish it, you'll most likely be upset with me. I thought that first paragraph was necessary and now you'll see why.
My name is Michael, and I am an anti-theist. Not only do I NOT believe in a higher power, I actively teach those close to me that most organized religion is a crime on humanity, and truly believe it a detriment to society.
So if I hadn't have put that first paragraph up, what would I look like in your mind? It's so easy to label someone you read in a book, or follow on the internet because based on their personality you picture what you love, or hate the most. We need to break the stereotype that religious organizations have brought to the table in the war against atheism. We aren't evil or morally bankrupt any more than the hypocritical, aggressive christians.
I could tell you whats going to happen in the future, but I'd rather tell you what we are capable of, not necessarily what we are going to do so don't take this the wrong way, either. Christianity, I'll speak to you more than any religion- but this goes to all who think themselves members of organized theistic society. You started a war a long time ago, and now you'll fall to the sword you sharpened with the blood of innocents over the past, (time of human thought - present).
Just like you- we can use tactics, business, and the internet to effect our own brand of change on this planet. We can start a local social group and expect others not to interfere in weekly meetings. Create our own websites to spread our belief and strengthen our numbers while you watch helplessly from the sidelines. Write small comic books, advertising to the younger generation that it's okay to NOT be religious. I can put stickers on my car, depicting my beliefs and be proud while you stare and you follow me down the street. I could target your children at the age in which they are most susceptible to my paraphernalia- but I wouldn't, that would make me everything I despise about religion. I will be supportive as I discuss philosophy, books, and history to my bloodline and friends. History in which I will ACCURATELY portrait religions roles in.
I didn't want it to come to this. I've tried to live in harmony with you, religion. I really have. You created me. You shoved, pushed, pressed, rushed and forced your beliefs down my throat for so long that it sickens me now. I used to have complete religious tolerance- not I find myself teetering on the edge. You lied to me, and I'll tell you like I tell my kids. The punishment for lying to me will be much worse than the one for telling the truth about your wrong-doings.
America. We're here and on this sphere, get used to it. (you see what I did there? tehee) We're standing with our heads held high. Too long have you held your knife to the throat of a freethinking lifestyle. No more. The more we Atheists band together and shout out our freedoms we hold so dear in this country- the faster your decline. All we have to do is be active and wait for our numbers to grow. I told you you'd be upset.
How do we protect our children from religious predators?
This is not so much a rant- more like a request for info so that I may write up something to spread to our own people to better defend themselves. Feel free to comment from your own experiences and strengthen our resolve.
Few things in life anger me as much as an aggressive evangelical christian targeting my children for "salvation". It happens all the time and we just don't see it. I grew up in a church where it was a tactic to invite friends over for sleepovers, with the intention of taking them to church on Sunday. My family was awesome. On Saturday nights I wasn't allowed to leave, but why would I? They'd lure kids of all ages to our home with pizza, movies, games, late bed times, etc. I didn't see the harm as a preteen christian. Sunday morning rolls around and we all load up in the church van and make our way to one of the most destructive environments I've ever witnessed. Hell fire, brimstone, believe it or burn, corporal punishment, and KJV bibles. (NIV's not allowed.)
This church was interracial, (a big deal in smalltown, AL), and had few members, and most of them were my family. My grandfather was in charge of music. My Uncle is now the pastor. It is a beautiful church. I remember some Sundays you can fit everyone there in the first pew. Sometimes on easter or christmas we had 20-30 people in attendance. Similar to Westboro Baptist though not so bold.
How do I protect my children from the poisonous doctrine of not just christianity, but all the other active faith-spreaders in society?
I want to put together a pamphlet so spread to my atheist friends but I need more advice from others who've dealt with this within their family. Here's some of my experiences.
I love my mother and father. They're good people. Accepting and loving though they don't agree with my ways- the rest of my family not so much. I usually visit my hometown once every few years. Everyone knows to avoid debate with me as most don't recover from my verbal beatings and I have yet to install a filter in my brain. My mother once asked me if she could take my kids to church. I let her as they were too young to be persuaded of anything negative and it gives her an opportunity to spend time with her grand kids. Now that my kids are older, there is NO WAY they are going to any church of any kind.
When I think they are old enough to make the decision to go, maybe. I won't like it but I am trying to stay on the road of religious tolerance, even though I come off as the "destroy religion!" type.
Secondly, how do we ensure they aren't being manipulated in the public education system? It's not like I can go and watch everyday to ensure my kids aren't targeted by pre-teen, brainwashed "children of god". I have to get a jumpstart on my young ones education and ensure he is prepared to defend himself from religious bullying. I also went to my kids elementary school, made my position known, and ensured everyone had my cell phone number. They were actually cool about it- I'm more concerned about high school, the age which kids are most susceptible to religious paraphernalia and doctrine. Chick tracks are a sensitive issue with me. They are small comic books of stories ending with the salvation prayer, designed to target teens... or morons who can't read.
One thing I've learned. KNOW THE LAW. Public schools are required by law to avoid certain things, as well as ensure others. This site will prepare you and your kids for battle with the school system. I guarantee that you walk into a school prepared with a binder of printed of laws and legislation, they will ensure that your concerns are shared. It will also remind them that this is NOT a christian nation. www. athiest. org