I'd like some one to do some exlaining of it to me, please. I'd look information up, but I trust you guys to know a lot more about it than the general internet, and to be able to explain it in a much better way to me.
From what I gather, the theory goes that there was some kind of tiny singuarity, where all matter was contained in one point as one thing, and was bunched into such white-hot density that it had to expode, or something...I could be wrong, though.
So, correct me if I am! I'll have questions for afterwards, because I'm pretty sure I'm on to something...:p
From what I gather, the theory goes that there was some kind of tiny singuarity, where all matter was contained in one point as one thing, and was bunched into such white-hot density that it had to expode, or something...I could be wrong, though.
So, correct me if I am! I'll have questions for afterwards, because I'm pretty sure I'm on to something...:p