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Quote:Every time we think we have the Lord figured out, He throws us a curve ball. That is why it is essential that we follow all of His edicts, no matter how incomprehensible or downright unjust they may appear. There is seemingly no rhyme or reason to His decisions to kill. God adored some of the most heinous people in history and slaughtered those guilty of the most mundane of miscues. By way of example only, God spared Noah and his family from the Great Flood. And what was one of the first things Noah did thereafter? He got rip-roaring drunk, stripped naked and passed out so that one of his sons saw his (apparently sizable) tallywhacker. Yet, it was the son who was punished, being turned black and becoming the world’s first slave (Genesis 9:20-25). Lot, the only man the Lord allowed to escape the fire and brimstone of Sodom and Gomorrah, offered his daughters to be gang-raped by a mob to avoid letting the mob members have sex with other men (Genesis 19:4-8). And then, as if to one-up Noah, Lot not only got drunk and showed his tallywhacker to his daughters, he inserted it in and impregnated them both. Yet, the New Testament describes Lot as a “righteous man” (2 Peter 2:7). By contrast, the Lord turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt just for being the world’s first rubbernecker (Genesis 19:16).
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