Heyya fellas and gals,
Just a new friendly atheist and holy basher here at your here fine site. Now; I joined this here site as I have been having myself some doubts about my BElief in atheism.
Is it scientific enough? I see the execution rate and human rights abuses around the world and although the offically atheist states like China and North Korea do come out on top why do they hide their figures for such amazing rationalism and logic? Our most powerful atheist state China disposes of thousands of people more than the rest of the world combined but unlike the stupid religious do not brag about it.
So Okay, I love being an atheist and okay our few world atheist states are beating the crap out of the holy ones like iran and ksa I do feel it should be more industrial and logical? Am I right fellow atheists? uuuuhuah!
So if America changes the government to atheist like China will it mean that the execution rate will increase 100 fold? I sure hope so because atheism is the true belief n stuff.
All these religious weirdos for centuries starting wars and killing so many in the name of their god and our atheist brothers in the 20th century teach them how it's really done when an atheist takes charge. Oh yeah, our atheist soviets, koreans, chinese, cambodias etc shoot right to the top of that leaderboard which shows me that atheism is the truth for a better more loving planet without religion and with atheists in charge.
Breath of fresh air to be here amongst my non believing bros n sistars .
Just a new friendly atheist and holy basher here at your here fine site. Now; I joined this here site as I have been having myself some doubts about my BElief in atheism.
Is it scientific enough? I see the execution rate and human rights abuses around the world and although the offically atheist states like China and North Korea do come out on top why do they hide their figures for such amazing rationalism and logic? Our most powerful atheist state China disposes of thousands of people more than the rest of the world combined but unlike the stupid religious do not brag about it.

So if America changes the government to atheist like China will it mean that the execution rate will increase 100 fold? I sure hope so because atheism is the true belief n stuff.
All these religious weirdos for centuries starting wars and killing so many in the name of their god and our atheist brothers in the 20th century teach them how it's really done when an atheist takes charge. Oh yeah, our atheist soviets, koreans, chinese, cambodias etc shoot right to the top of that leaderboard which shows me that atheism is the truth for a better more loving planet without religion and with atheists in charge.
Breath of fresh air to be here amongst my non believing bros n sistars .