Once again if you want to add your own foot notes or even information go ahead. 
There was a old story of how the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians and how moses lead his people to freedom.
Let's get some things things clear. They were never in Egypt nor they were slaves in Egypt. And thus the story
is fiction. The stories themselves came about in the 8th and 5th centuries B.C.E respectively. It's mythical story
telling nothing more nothing less.
That's pretty much it for book 2 making that bible smaller one book at a time.

There was a old story of how the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians and how moses lead his people to freedom.
Let's get some things things clear. They were never in Egypt nor they were slaves in Egypt. And thus the story
is fiction. The stories themselves came about in the 8th and 5th centuries B.C.E respectively. It's mythical story
telling nothing more nothing less.
That's pretty much it for book 2 making that bible smaller one book at a time.
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