(August 1, 2010 at 2:41 pm)chasm Wrote: Question: how is it not logical? Answer me that, please. You seem to think blood ties are important, and I don't. If you could see it from my perspective, maybe you would see it differently. My parents aren't good people, so I don't like them. End of story.
It's illogical because human emotions are illogical. If it's just that your parents are terrible people in general, then I don't see any reason for you to feel anything about them, except perhaps apathy and a preference to not associate yourself with them, not unlike Osama Bin Laden's pop star daughter (whose name escapes me) who had to change her name because she's embarrassed of her own lineage and simply doesn't want an association with the life her father leads. That's logical.
Your parents are also not good people so you're bitter, angry with them enough to consult internet strangers, and your first (retracted) reaction was to post that you wanted them dead. While you realized that you had overreacted and now acknowledge that you simply want them out of your life, you're still basing all of your decisions about how to handle them based on the emotion they evoke in you.
What's logical is that they evoke a negative influence on your life and you don't want them to negatively influence your life. That's a normal, perfectly logical human reaction. Spock would be proud.
What's illogical is that you're basing all of your decisions about how to deal with them in any manner whatsoever based on the emotions they're illiciting in you.
(August 1, 2010 at 2:41 pm)chasm Wrote: Yes, that's correct. I care about the effect they have on my life, and I know I don't like it, and I want them gone. And if they won't leave me alone, death is the second best option.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
While I'm definately a proponent of the death penalty in our judicial system, unless one or both of your parents is guilty of capital punishment crime (which I consider to be rape and pedophelia, among other crimes) then I don't think something like that is warrented for the same reason I don't condone the public stoning of assholes and witchcraft (because witchcraft is cool, children.)
(August 1, 2010 at 2:41 pm)chasm Wrote: I never said I was emotionally dead, I said I don't understand emotion. I understand that I have them, but beyond that, I don't know anything.
Listen, the only way you can convince me that you don't understand human emotion any more than any other human being on the planet is if one or more of the following is true:
1) You have not had proper human contact for most of your life. That is to say, zero human contact or a dysfunctional family. Not a sitcom dysfunctional family, but a locked in the basement for sixteen months for disobediance with daily whippings and a punch to the face kind of dysfunctional family.
2) You some some sort of psychiatric or genetic disorder, like asburgers, autism, mental retardation, or some other dysfunction that literally make you incapable of social interaction. Clearly, none of these things are the case. Given your battles with cancer, you've probably seen and experienced a greater range of emotions than I have.
3) You are not human and thus cannot understand human thought and emotion.
Now, the only one above that I think could even be remotely true is 1), but if that were the case, then I would recommend psychiatric help but that wouldn't explain why the judge wouldn't allow a restraining order or a trial for crimes against humanity. So I'm fairly confident that all of those are untrue, which leads me to the conclusion that
you understand human emotions, but choose not to try or you don't trust your ability to understand human emotions.
Either way, you understand human emotions, whether you actually understand that you do or not. Even the most socially inept people (who don't suffer from 1), 2), or 3)) can have a great deal of empathy for other people, but for whatever reason, you've simply chosen not too or trust that you can.
(August 1, 2010 at 2:41 pm)chasm Wrote: There's a couple problems with that plan. 1, I'm in college, and can't move until I graduate. 2, I can't just pack up and leave suddenly. Do you think you can do that?
You're making excuses.
Look, we've already established that an attempt to bring about a restraining order has failed, which to me implys that they are not affecting your life in a serious enough manner for the law to feel the need to get involved. Which means to me that they have not committed any crimes against you and harassment they inflict upon you is not enough for a restraining order to be warrented.
Although you haven't directly said anything, I do also assume the following is true if you felt you needed to attempt to get a restraining order.
1) That you've discussed, argued, pleaded, begged, threatened, cajoled, blackmailed, any anything else you could do to attempt to convince them to voluntarily remove themselves from your life.
2) I assume you've done the 'softer' methods of avoiding them - not picking up calls, ignoring them as often as possible, and never visiting them voluntarily - that sort of thing.
3) You've clearly attempted to use the law in your favor to attempt to litigate them out of your life.
So you've presented here a problem: you want your parents
Assuming the above is true, you've done most things a normal person would do to try to get them out of your life with only some proactive effort involved.
Given the above, you've already given me two lame excuses as to not go further.
First, you can do the magic that any transferring college student already knows about and transfer to another school. Second, I never said you needed to leave
suddenly, I said you needed to leave
without telling anyone.
(August 1, 2010 at 2:41 pm)chasm Wrote: I'm not a fugitive on the run. I'd rather not go through the trouble of that and have them leave me alone. Forever, preferably.
The method I proposed is a tried-and-often-true method of removing far more threatening menaces from someone's life. The only more guarenteed method is done by the witness protection program.
There are fewer other methods guarenteed to succeed at wiping you off your parent's map and guarenteeing that they can never interfere with you again, but you've
already given me two excuses and you've apparently already decided that you want to keep fighting them despite all the other methods I'm guessing that you've used because you don't want to go through the effort of packing your things without telling anyone, transferring your college credits, changing your name, and just leaving without making them the wiser.
Instead of doing that, you've chosen to give them every opportunity to continue their negative influence on your life while hinting that a
death sentence on two human lives is a warrented response.
Now that I've said that, I'll tell you that as soon as you understand why you've made that decision, perhaps you'll come closer to both understanding the actual problem, the scope of tha problem, and the solution you'd actually like have happen.