<Eilonnwy>: I am going to start working on a Dragon*con schedule with some of the fan tracks that released tentative ones

<aloah>: what happens when you die?
<peps>: my famity get quite upset
<peps>: my insurance finally pays out
<cityofspheres>: when you die apparently you shit your pants
<cityofspheres>: i tried to get the omegle christian freak to come here but he wouldn't
<aloah>: what happens to you? you could die today.
<peps>: I dont know, ive never been dead before.
<Eilonnwy>: Nothing, I'm dead
<cityofspheres>: apparently taking ayahuasca makes you feel like you're dead
<peps>: i'd imagine the brain shutting down would be a pretty trippy experience
<cityofspheres>: so you could try it and find out
<Eilonnwy>: It'll be what it was like before I was born, nothing
<cityofspheres>: apparently ayahuasca also makes you feel like you're being born
<aloah>: cityofspheres: i'm here: Why is atheism your guys dead-god.
<cityofspheres>: oh cool hi aloah
<aloah>: why do you guys follow a dead-god called atheism?
<Adrian_Hayter>: we dont
<aloah>: in essence that what it really is, no matter how you shape or form it.
<Eilonnwy>: I hate you, google docs
<Eilonnwy>: stop changing my 11:30 am to 11:30:00
<Adrian_Hayter>: aloah: in what way?
<peps>: :>
<cityofspheres>: eil: it would be worse if it was military time
<cityofspheres>: eil: excel used to be awful at that stuff too, maybe they're just trying to emulate it
<Eilonnwy>: tried to figure if I could fix it be making it plain text
<Eilonnwy>: nothing
<cityofspheres>: oh noes i've gotta go, my friend is leaving
<Eilonnwy>: so now I'm using .5 to denote half hour
<aloah>: it affects how you think...atheism affects how you act...atheism affects...what chat forum to go to....it affects your whole being.
<cityofspheres>: aloah: well you've got to go somewhere, why not chat forums?
<peps>: im not actually here because im an atheist
<cityofspheres>: anyway laters
<peps>: im here because adrian is a good friend of mine from a few years back
<Eilonnwy>: Ahhh, Aloah, you're so cute with your misconceptions
<aloah>: eilonnwy: tell me logical, not be an emotional drama queen
<peps>: the only way atheism really affects me is in the responses i give to religious idiots when approached on the street.
<Eilonnwy>: hahah
<peps>: but just because something has an impact on you does not make it your god
<aloah>: Eilonnwy, tell me my misconceptions logically....don't be all emotional
<peps>: otherwise, id follow tux (linux mascot) as a god
<Eilonnwy>: peps is doing a good job
<peps>: thanks Eilonnwy
<aloah>: peps he's being emotional, can't give a logical explanation
<aloah>: give me examples
<peps>: no im not.
<peps>: and the linux mascot is an example
<peps>: another example might be alcoholics anonymous
<Eilonnwy>: First off, Aloah, there's nothing emotional in my response. It wasn't a response to be taken seriously, I'm simply amused by you
<Eilonnwy>: Second, you insist atheism has a dead god, oh wrong you are. Atheism is a lack of believe. We do not believe in god the way you don't believe in Zeus.
<aloah>: pep because alcoholics anonymous common god is alcohol.
<Eilonnwy>: You ask about what happens to us when we die, well nothing because there is no evidence that anything happens and there's really good evidence that what we are exists purely in our brain and there is nothing to suggest a soul when we die
<Eilonnwy>: I am willing to bet your first statements are leading to a Pascal's wager of some sort. Should we not be concerned with God otherwise if we die and god is real we go to hell.
<lrh9>: Oh wow. Hahahahaha. First theist looking for a debate in chat. How amusing.
<aloah>: how did you come to that conclusion where's your evidence?
<peps>: aloah, would you care to define what you mean by god for me? that last statement would surgest you think you can find god in the bottom of a pint glass
<lrh9>: Don't feed life's trolls, people.
<Eilonnwy>: Pascal's wager is so thoroughly debunked I am sick of Christians bringing it up.
<Eilonnwy>: true, I'm working on something else right now, go to the forums if you really want to debate this
<Eilonnwy>: not in the mood for a chat debate
<peps>: i remember now! i was shutting down bluetooth
*** aloah was kicked by Eilonnwy (
<DarwinBot>: And the award for most kickass op goes to...Eilonnwy!
<aloah>: emotionally eillonnwy !!!
<Eilonnwy>: no, bored with you Eilonnwy
*** aloah was kicked by Eilonnwy (Eilonnwy)
<DarwinBot>: Eilonnwy kicks...and...SCORES!!! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!
<aloah>: drama queen
<aloah>: why you being emotional
<Eilonnwy>: Who are you really, darling?
<peps>: does mibbit give the user's ip or the ip of the server?
<aloah>: why can you give me a logical explanation and result in kicking me out? because its offensive to your atheist religion?
<Eilonnwy>: No, because I'd rather you go to the forums
<Eilonnwy>: I am busy at the moment and don't want to get in with
<Eilonnwy>: if you want to take that in your warped mind as me being emotional, so be it
<Eilonnwy>: *get into it
<aloah>: only emotional people kick people out of chats
<peps>: that and ops
<peps>: ops kick people out of chat much more often other groups
<aloah>: conclusion: atheism is a religion in and of itself, you are the followers of atheism, (a dead god)
<Eilonnwy>: If you really want to argue this, why not go to the forums and make a post:
<peps>: ooh, the speed at which he closed that tab

<Eilonnwy>: you are more than welcome to do so
<Eilonnwy>: ahh, lol
<Eilonnwy>: I don't notices in mibbit
<Eilonnwy>: For fun, I'll post this in the forums.
<peps>: fair enough