Romania's hot events [crazy]
February 2, 2017 at 3:20 pm
(This post was last modified: February 2, 2017 at 3:23 pm by Zenith.)
I remember Trump's words,
"There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie that they won't tell to hold their prestige and their power at your expense."
It might not be true in USA, but is 100% true in the politics in Romania.
I'm talking about the events you might have heard, discussed here.
Now something funny about it: the Minister of Justice (Social Democrat) held a mockery of a social debate about the urgency ordinate that had already been issued.
There you can see a woman in her 50s, an uneducated romanian gypsy, with a purple kerchief. She is talking to the minister. I'll do my best to translate grammar errors too.
Here it goes (words from background in (), explanations in []):
"There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie that they won't tell to hold their prestige and their power at your expense."
It might not be true in USA, but is 100% true in the politics in Romania.
I'm talking about the events you might have heard, discussed here.
Now something funny about it: the Minister of Justice (Social Democrat) held a mockery of a social debate about the urgency ordinate that had already been issued.
There you can see a woman in her 50s, an uneducated romanian gypsy, with a purple kerchief. She is talking to the minister. I'll do my best to translate grammar errors too.

Here it goes (words from background in (), explanations in []):
Quote:So I came here before you here so I could express a point of view. That is, I want to say that behind me, in the left and the right side of me there is none but the people who are against the amnesty! Because you know why, Mr. minister, I want to talk to you personally because I believe that you I have no idea how you will be able to outface to so many ideas! Simply he [i.e. the people] are against Mr. Dragnea [the President of the Social Democrats], are against the Social Democrats!I'll add context info in further posts.
(man: against the dictators, lady!)
... I to me I am not interested but in one thing. I have my boy, he had stolen three cars...
(man: to the prison!)
... and he is, yes, listen to me, he is, he is, listen a bit, please, for I have listened. These [around here] are the people taken to the streets by Iohannis [the President, who stands against the urgency ordinance]. So pretty please, pretty please. Pretty please, they are very dangerous these people...
(man (mocks): yeah-yeah sure!)
...He wants to make...
(man(mocks): Yeah-yeah-yeah, we steal cars!)
(man(mocks): no-no-no, we let the cars for them to steal!)
... mister, mister minister, he doesn't want anything else but to, these people doesn't wants but for you to turn them with the face against the wall to shoot them with the pistol! A thousand to die for them to live, this is what Iohannis wants, he the nazi [i.e. ethnic german]!
(man: let the whole country see what she's saying!)
... Yes, this is what Iohannis wants. From when he took to the power Ioha..., you hear, from when Iohannis took to the power, have I heard him of democracy? Have I heard him about a pensioner? Have I heard him an employee? Have I heard him about an old man, about ill people like myself and so [on], hospitals, and, has he made inquiries? No. He doesn't care!
(woman(mocks): you're right woman!)
(man (mocks): Indeed woman, all criminals must be on the streets (undistinguishable))
... Doesn't want but to, look around, can anybody live there [i.e. in the prison]? One only one day to make [in prison], a judge, for one judge to see. I haven't, I haven't... (undistinguishable). So, among the judges, a day I want them to make, two days in prison to see how it is. And they will no longer play with the people's lives. Mister Prime Minister [she addresses the minister of justice], I want to talk to you personally.
(Minister: We'll talk lady, let us finish the debates and then we talk.)
... Please, pretty please, give amnesty, this cannot be [i.e. otherwise it's outrageous]! The kids [i.e. sons] die in the prison.
(Minister: Okay lady.)
... he got out, he paid, now he has 6 years to spend [i.e. in the prison], how much longer to stay? Where are we, in the prison camps [i.e. from "concentration camps"]?
(Minister: Okay lady, thank you. (undistinquishable))