RE: Organic Molecules Found 400 Light Years From Earth
August 8, 2017 at 2:07 pm
I knew it wouldn't take long. A bit disappointed at the response, though.
Quote:Finding even microbial life within our solar system should not surprise anyone.
True. We find them all the time here on earth.
Now assuming you mean other than here on response is: And yet even the finding of any carbon containing compounds anywhere else seems to make the news as evidenced by Minimalist's post.
If it is not surprising, why did you fail to critique Min's post by questioning what the big deal was?
Additionally, the issue I was raising had nothing to do with the presence of life elsewhere, my issue had to do with forming life from non-life, for which the articles says the presence of sugar and methyl isocyantate is a clue. You haven't explained how it is a clue to such an issue.
Quote:The atoms as individual atoms that make up carbon exist everywhere in the universe so none of this find should surprise anyone.
And what are those atoms that make up carbon? Oh, yes....they are carbon atoms. Carbon is an element. There are not other atoms that make up carbon.
Quote:Typical bullshit, and not only bullshit, Christians also stupidly think they are the only religion to either try to debunk science or, when they cant do that, they try to co opt science to point to their club. Hate to burst your bubble, but every religion in the world has followers who pull this bullshit.
No magic one bit needed, no sky puppeteer needed.
The atoms in life that make up carbon based molecules have a far different structure in those molecules than non living things.
No magic super hero needed to explain life or the universe. For the same reason you don't need to insert Poseidon the ocean god as being the cause of hurricanes.
How does non life get to life? Simple non cognitive tiny processes that produce a variety of atom arrangements.
Please don't hand me your fictional factory boss garbage.
Where do I begin on this one?
First, I was not trying to use this or anything else to bolster my position. I was trying to point out that given the absurd post by Min, that none of the atheists here thought to critique it at all and proffered suggestions as to why this might be.
Second, your comment the atoms in life that make up carbon based have far different structure in those molecules than non living things seems to be contradictory to your statement that simple non cognitive tiny processes that produce a variety of atom arrangements is what produces life.
Third, if non-life gets to life via simple non cognitive tiny processes that produce a variety of atom arrangements, i.e., if the answer is that simple, why don't you enlighten us as to what those processes are. I'm sure there are plenty of scientists out there that would like to know so they can create any sort of life in their labs.
Fourth, I handed you nothing relative to my opinion. If you don't want to believe in God, feel free, I will certainly not push you otherwise. But at least be able to cogently argue your position. If you can't, how good could your position really be?
Quote:I suppose you could go to the website of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and look it up....they have a search feature which, granted, does not have chapter and verse heading which seems to be all you can handle but I am not your secretary. My job is to shit on the heads of creatards. That job takes up a great deal of time but I do not begrudge the effort.
Oh, and Go Blow Jesus Out Your Ass.
In other words, you can't explain the significance so you will sink to mere name calling and emotionalism. Always makes a stronger case that way.
Sad...but not surprising.
Quote:Are you one of those god of the gaps people?
I don't think so...but I guess that might depend on what you mean.
Quote:My response is that we don't have an answer YET. But I do find it interesting that we find similar substrates on earth and in space. It means that earth was probably not a one off.
What does this have to do with anything I said in my post?
...And how does finding organics elsewhere lead to the conclusion that earth was probably not a one off?
I fail to see how the first leads to the second...unless you have some presuppositions that would guide this reasoning.
Quote:I don't need some hoodoovoodooholyguruwoowoo to make me feel comfortable. It's kind of sad that you seem to.
Is that some new atheist argument? (Oh, those Christians need God to make them feel comfortable.) It's absurd. My views on God have nothing to do with me feeling comfortable. Seems to me the "comfortable" position is that there is no God. No God = no wrong, no responsibility to anyone or anything, anything goes = I can do anything I want to anything or anyone and be at peace (comfortable) about it (just don't get caught so as to suffer societal consequences). All of that is easy to do.
How do you view Christianity such that you would make the statement regarding comfort?
Quote:The Mormons are already there beckoning for you to join them !!
Truly funny!