The ability to Like likes. Like when I update my Facebook photo (as I did earlier today) and someone Likes it (as they did earlier today) and I don't want to comment saying "Thanks for liking my photo! I like that you like it!" and I just want to let them know that I liked that they liked it without saying a comment like that every time, like, ya know, like.
An ability to Like Likes is an essential fucking feature, surely. I mean, it's two fucking thousand and seventeen for fuck's sake. And, obviously, at this point Internet Social Life ™ is supposed to fucking replace Actually Having A Life ™ and it can't even replicate it yet! I like it when people like how I like how I look all the time (that's another thing, I Liked my own photo because I liked how I looked otherwise I wouldn't post how I looked. So if I can't Like them Liking my photo can they at least Like my Liking my own photo?).
/very passionate rant
Thanks for listening. I'm done now.
Fake ETA: I'm NOT fucking done. I have another idea. If Facebook finally does wise up and add the ability to Like Likes, I think it's rather clear that The Next Logical Step ™ would be the ability to Like Liking Likes of Likes. If someone Likes my photo and I Like that they Like my photo, then naturally they may Like that I Like that they Like them Liking my photo, so they should, logically, and naturally, have the ability to Like that. For fuck's sake. Facebook, get with the freaking program already.
Fake ETA 2; Oh I almost forget. I already guessed that someone is going to suggest the ability to Like Liking Liking Likes of Likes. But, come on, that's a little excessive. Where's it gonna end?
An ability to Like Likes is an essential fucking feature, surely. I mean, it's two fucking thousand and seventeen for fuck's sake. And, obviously, at this point Internet Social Life ™ is supposed to fucking replace Actually Having A Life ™ and it can't even replicate it yet! I like it when people like how I like how I look all the time (that's another thing, I Liked my own photo because I liked how I looked otherwise I wouldn't post how I looked. So if I can't Like them Liking my photo can they at least Like my Liking my own photo?).
/very passionate rant
Thanks for listening. I'm done now.
Fake ETA: I'm NOT fucking done. I have another idea. If Facebook finally does wise up and add the ability to Like Likes, I think it's rather clear that The Next Logical Step ™ would be the ability to Like Liking Likes of Likes. If someone Likes my photo and I Like that they Like my photo, then naturally they may Like that I Like that they Like them Liking my photo, so they should, logically, and naturally, have the ability to Like that. For fuck's sake. Facebook, get with the freaking program already.
Fake ETA 2; Oh I almost forget. I already guessed that someone is going to suggest the ability to Like Liking Liking Likes of Likes. But, come on, that's a little excessive. Where's it gonna end?