Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a video I've watched in my teen years that I only remember one half of clearly and the other half only vaguely.
It was settled in the area of youtube-atheists and science-"evangelicals" such as potholer54, thunderf00t and had a very pleasing voice and calm personality (like all of those guys, I really like them :-) ). It was about disbelieving in god in youth. The analogy was the movie "The sixth sense". He and his girlfriend were watching the movie and at some point he realizes the truth about the main character, but was still kind of unsure of it. So he went watching and everything lined up perfectly to his theory that was proven in the end. But his girlfriend didn't see this and was totally excited about the ending.
Does anyone remember who did that, or even find a link to it on youtube?
I'd be very glad!
I'm looking for a video I've watched in my teen years that I only remember one half of clearly and the other half only vaguely.
It was settled in the area of youtube-atheists and science-"evangelicals" such as potholer54, thunderf00t and had a very pleasing voice and calm personality (like all of those guys, I really like them :-) ). It was about disbelieving in god in youth. The analogy was the movie "The sixth sense". He and his girlfriend were watching the movie and at some point he realizes the truth about the main character, but was still kind of unsure of it. So he went watching and everything lined up perfectly to his theory that was proven in the end. But his girlfriend didn't see this and was totally excited about the ending.
Does anyone remember who did that, or even find a link to it on youtube?
I'd be very glad!