Came across this gem someone posted in the aforementioned FB group.
Quote:If you want to be smart at something, you should pick an area of interest that you have the potential to know and control your words, and also something you can be really good at. This post is about why I believe that science and technology are very poor choices.
If an intelligent alien race came and revealed themselves to our species, all of the leading science and technology professionals and academics would jump to the back of being far less intelligent than even the dumbest of the aliens.
I could probably get Sheldon Cooper to agree with me. He once said he would jump at the opportunity to be an extra terrestrial’s pet, because the learning opportunities would be tremendous (also he says he likes having his belly rubbed).
My areas of interest are rhetoric, religion and the human animal (human nature) which led to me knowing my self. I believe I would be a lot smarter than these theoretical aliens about what it means that we are human, unless they only came here to eat us... but either way, I believe they should think of me as a peer.