dqualk Wrote:theVOID Wrote:Your argument is already seriously illogical. Material in nature =/= No beauty, meaning or love.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is a statement about one's aesthetic attraction to objects concepts or relationships - What difference does the existence of a god make to a person having an aesthetic attraction to something else? Absolutely none.
I mean an ultimately beaitful thing. Not a subjectively beautiful thing. There is nothing that is acutally beautiful in and of itself within atheism.
Your requirement for a cosmic mandate is absurd, so is the notion that what we as finite beings consider to be beauty is actually not.
What difference would it make if there was some cosmic being who decided what is and is not beautiful? And how would this cosmic being finding something beautiful make it inherently beautiful? If something is inherently beautiful it is beautiful independent of the existence of anything else, including your god. If it is simply beautiful because a god says it is then it's still a subjective evaluation relative to a being of some kind.
It would make absolutely no difference to my own experience of beauty and what it means for me to find something beautiful - It has absolutely no impact on our experience, and if that is the case then this ultimate beauty is absolutely indistinguishable from non-existent beauty
Let me make this abundantly clear - Intrinsic values simply do not exist, nothing has value in and of it's self, every single statement of value you could possibly make is relative to a desire, be it the desires of us as finite beings, or the desires of god as an infinite being.
Quote:Quote:Love is a set of interrelated emotions, there is the love associated with kinship, the emotion that holds together friendships and wider families, there is the love associated with partnership and sex that binds marriages and there is the love associated with stewardship that gives us reason to care for our children and dependants - The addition of some cosmic being to this equation makes no difference - This question should illustrate that: Does god's love exist without other beings? If that is the case then God loves rocks and hydrogen and vacuum energy and has done so for longer than he ever loved us - If this is the case then love is unimportant and can be applied to the inanimate - If God's love is contingent upon a relationship with other beings then it is no more special than any other love and is contingent upon interaction in the exact same way that human love is.
Well the Triune God has existed from eternity, and within Eternity He has loved within Himself, that is the Father loves the Son and gives Him all of Himself; likewise the Son returns this love to the Father in eternal Triune dance. The Holy Spirit is sometimes understood as the manifestation of the love between the Father and Son, but I think you get the gist.
He's a schizophrenic mess - He loves his son who is also him, that means he loves him self. God is a narcissist, great, tell me something I didn't already know...
And if that is what you consider the spirit to be then the spirit is just the fuel of God's narcissistic fire.
Quote:Quote:Meaning only exists in a fleeting sense, grounded in and contingent upon our desires. If the lack of cosmic meaning is a concern to you the only response I can think of is "So what?". The fact that you desire some cosmic meaning says naught about whether or not there is one. Given a logical and analytical approach to reality there is none to be found, and we just have to accept that - Reality is what it is regardless of what any of us want it to be - It all comes down to a simple question, do you value comfort or truth? The truth doesn't exist to make us feel good, delusions however do and arise all the time for that exact purpose.
There is no reason to believe that God does not exist.
Oh for fucks sake not this whole "You can't disprove it" bullshit. Can you disprove the existence of the non-physical comedian telling me knock-knock jokes telepathically? If you can't provide me with reasons to believe he doesn't exist you should believe in him - To do anything else would be a double standard, though I'd be willing to bet that you're already up to your eyeballs in those.
And there are plenty of reasons to believe that a God does not exist - To believe that there is a God as described in the major monotheistic religions is to believe that at the very beginning of existence, the very very first moment that ever was, there was a being who was all loving, all powerful and all knowing - The latter alone is a
massive problem... For a being to be all knowing means that he knows the position an momentum of every particle at every single point in time for as long as time exists, this requires there is a concept in his mind that is at the very least as complex as the entirely of possible existence because to 'know' something is to have a model of this thing within the mind that accurately represents the thing in question.
This being is absurdly complex and you have to suppose it was just always there. What a farce!
Quote: This God, within Christianity, is to be understood as a God not subject to the Temporal realm. In this sense He gives reason and real beauty to the world. He also really loves the world, in an ultimate True sense.
We need to weld a tap to your mouth so we can control the flow of nonsense, because it's just pouring out at this point....
Can you please provide me with a logical argument for why the existence of a being of an atemporal nature necessarily makes his appraisal of objects, phenomenon and interaction objective?
Oh, and the 'temporal' realm in the loosest sense simply requires more than one state of affairs. To have a thought (which is necessarily a process) necessitates more than one states of affairs - For a being to be truly atemporal requires he be unthinking and unchanging, so at best in this scenario your God is a vegetable - I'll just give you this one for free and let you know that God does not necessarily have to be atemporal, you should take a page out of William Craig's book on this and avoid digging your pit-of-stupid any deeper than necessary.
Quote:I certainly believe that you experience contingent emergent meaning, that is also returning to nothing, and ultimately is nothing, and therefore I say there is no meaning, but only in the ultimate sense. So I do beleive that you expierence what you feel is reason, and that for the sake of pleasure you buy into this lie. The lie being, that you are actually feeling true ultimate meaning. I acutally believe that you have real meaning to your life, what I mean to say is that within your atheistic system there is no real meaning, that is not ultimately returning to nothing. Within the True reality there is ultimate meaning, of which you partake. Hope that makes some sense...
So what if it's finite? I don't honestly care one little bit if you're uncomfortable with that reality, it simply is not sufficient reason to believe in an infinite meaning. If you want to provide an argument beyond your simple assertions and dislike of the alternative go ahead but at this point you have demonstrated nothing even close to reason, let alone this 'strong reason through ultimate reason' bullshit you were harping on about before.
And you've just contradicted yourself in a single paragraph, congratulations that's quite an accomplishment - First you say that you don't doubt I experience meaning and then you say that I don't experience
real meaning - What about contingent and emergent meaning is not real?
And now I do actually feel true ultimate meaning do I? My desire to get laid is true and ultimate meaning? Because that's the only meaning on my mind right now, that and what food means to me because of my hunger, that must be true and ultimate too right?
Oh i'm the one who has bought into a lie? Um, in case you didn't notice buddy, i'm the one who has been able to substantiate all of my claims about meaning, beauty and love, you on the other hand have waffled on about objective facts from an infinite being without providing as much as a sliver of argument or evidence for it.
You seem terrified of the fact that you're going to die and it will be the end of you, and that any meaning you have in your life dies with you. Keep deluding yourself with the love of "sky-daddy" all you like, it doesn't make any of it true.
Reality is not here to make you feel good. You have the option of accepting and enjoying reality the way it is or masking it with some bullshit about infinite beings and true meaning, the choice is yours, just be prepared to lose any credibility you had left if you chose the latter.
Quote:Quote:Oh, reason you say? Perhaps you would like to show us your reasons for thinking that this ultimate being exists, after all, your worldview and all of these supposed benefits like your 'stronger reason from ultimate reason' are entirely contingent upon the presupposition that this being exists. If God does not exist then your 'reason' is bankrupt.
Well, the God-man Jesus Christ told us that it is impossible to approach God apart from Faith.
And the FSM said
AARGH! Feel my noodly appendages!
I don't care what your big-book-o-bullshit has to say.
Quote: Further, Faith is intimately united with Reason.
No, Faith is the abandonment of reasons for belief in a proposition. If you have good reason to believe something then you do not need faith. Do you have faith that you will go downwards when you jump? No, you have an empirically established fact about the laws of physics given certain conditions.
Quote: All Reason requires some axiom to rely on that one assumed on faith, or something similar to it.
Axioms are self-evident truths, like the law of non-contradiction. Faith is not self evident (or evident at all for that matter), if it was then there would be no person in charge of their mental faculties who would be able to dismiss it.
Quote: So Faith makes sense to me.
It makes sense to me too, some people are so keen to believe something that they ignore the fact that they have absolutely no valid reasons to believe and just do it anyway.
Quote: At the same time I do not expect you or anyone to beleive it on necessity, as there is nothing that requires that you believe it, except the Faith that you are ultimately meaningful. Not just temporally meaningful.
I don't have 'faith' that i'm ultimately meaningful, I don't have faith in anything. Point out some proposition that I believe without sufficient evidence and i'll drop it, I won't say "well it's just faith".
Faith is a fucking blight on man kind, the escape clause embedded in our brains that allows us to bypass reason in the name of self satisfaction.
Quote:I believe there is something within you yearning for meaning,
I believe you're the biggest newb of an apologist ever.
I HAVE MEANING. I have more meaning than I know what to do with because I have more desires than I could ever hope to satisfy in my finite existence. I don't need any more meaning, let alone some imaginary meaning.
Quote: and desiring a solution to the brokeness of the world.
I think a 'broken' would makes much more sense in a naturalist context, it's a much more pleasant realisation than thinking there is some cosmic jerk-off out there sitting back with his omnipotence and watching as children starve and suffer and have their genitals mutilated and get abducted and raped.
If your God existed I'd piss on him and be sent into eternal fire sooner than bow before him. I could learn to love fire and pain, I could never love such a sick and twisted being as God.
Quote: I do not mean to refer to the broken world in a cliche way, I mean to point out that truly brokeness of this world, which we empirically observe, and in which we observe within our self. We observe it within ourself in the sense that we feel lonliness, and a yearning for true love and meaning.
You've pointed out the flaw in your reasoning yourself. AGAIN:
I yearn for a billion dollars in my bank account more than true love and meaning, a billion dollars will get me lots of expensive sweaty love and beer, does than make it true? Fuck no, I wish it did though.
Quote:Quote:I, in my subjective experience of aesthetics, find the idea of an algorithm creating a hierarchy of complexity to be far more beautiful and profound that any concept of an absent cosmic parent and his 'son' coming to save us from the sin they planned from the dawn of time (everything happens according to God's plan right?).
Your 'Christ-man' is a fantasy and belief in him is something that is entirely unjustified. Enjoy your delusion while it lasts, I will continue to find awe, satisfaction, beauty and meaning in the reality that I am justified in believing, the reality that has more to offer me than I could ever hope to take use of in my fleeting and finite existence.
I am justified in believeing my reality as well. You can not prove to me that God does not exist, and there are many reason, that are not necessarily sound, but are certainly valid, to believe in God.
Another complete cock-up, this is getting OLD.
A. There is no 'your reality' and 'my reality'. We share a reality. You are not justified in believing something just because you want it to be the case.
B. There are plenty of reasons that are valid and not sound to believe in the invisible comedian.
1. There are non-physical minds (not sound)
2. Non-physical minds are telepathic (not sound)
3. Some non-physical minds like comedy (not sound)
4. The non-physical comedians cater to anyone who likes comedy (not sound)
5. I like comedy (Sound)
6. Therefore, there is a non-physical comedian catering to me telepathically. (VALID)
Quote:I find a subjective aesthetics to be nothing more than emptiness and nihil.
I find your completely failed attempt at reason nothing more than emptiness and nihil.
And how can something that exists and has substance (my subjective desire for certain forms) be nihil? It can't possibly be nothing because it is an empirically demonstrable fact that I desire certain forms.
If you're going to spout bullshit you should at least try and string together a coherent sentence...
Quote:The God planning sin bit is a very intense complex issue, that I think is beyond the scope of this forum, just because that is not the point of this post.
If it's not beyond the scope of some uneducated, primitive, barbaric Jews hearing sheep in a bronze-age Palestinian desert then it's not beyond this forum.
And in reality it's not a complex issue. If god is all knowing and all powerful and has actively planned everything that is going to happen AND everything that happens was in line with his plan then necessarily he intentionally created sin.
Quote: That issue ultimately hits on the problem of evil. And there are good answers to it. Although, it is true that these are not wholly convincing. My favorite answer to the problem of evil comes from Liebniz's best possible world soultion, which delves into the Christian idea of soul-building (theosis).
And it also necessitates that God chose to make a defective set of souls in a defective world and then blame us for his defective creation with eternal hellfire.
I'd do more than just piss on him if he existed, I'd take a big steaming shit on him too.