(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: ....for the causal layman, those lacking understanding, or even interest:
We are mostly here because we have both understanding and interest. You have misjudged your intended audience.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: The curse of death for sin: Gen 2:17 "…but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” KJV
I don't care what your magic book claims, and the KJV is one of the most borked versions of said tome, being constructed by committee.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: The only way to eradicate the curse: is for a man to live free from sin, and suffer death. Because; death was only meant for sinners!
Really? Then your god should be dead because your magic book demonstrates that your god willfully sinned aplenty. Have you not even read it?
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: How does a man live [free of sin]? Man cannot. He can only repeat it. God, in the person of Jesus can, and does live sin free. And in the process; Teaches us “The Way,
Nice catch 22 you have fabricated. To attain salvation, we must lead a sinless life, but we cannot because your god intentionally and cruelly designed that possibility out from the start. Think about that. Your god commands you to live a sinless life, but also tells you that he has made that absolutely impossible for you to do. Your god is a sadist.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: the Truth, and the Life.” He also atones for our sins, and reconciles Himself to man, for putting sin in front of us to begin with. Much like Him saying, "I am sharing
in your humanity, and death so I might save all from eternal damnation." And Jesus dies at OUR sentencing and hands, sinless. The curse is then broken!
Evidence that the alleged Jesus ever said that? The bible doesn't cut the evidential mustard, it doesn't even have eyewitness testimony.
Eternal damnation? Provide evidence for that. You cannot because there is none. Couple to that the simple fact that your god is claiming praise for saving us from the very torment that he/she/it/housecat devised in the first place. That is a bovine idea.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: Death, then becomes a door instead of a destination! And in heeding His teachings, we avoid the “Second Death” (death of the soul).
Utter gullible bollox. When one dies, one ends. Terminated. Think otherwise? Then guess what, you are once again on the evidential hook to demonstrate any life after death, let alone any crazy "second death" notion.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: And all this..... without disrupting Free Will. AMAZING!
Under your crazy conception, we have no free will at all. "Do as I say of suffer forever" is not free will, it is a hostage situation.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: [color=#1d2129]In even simpler terms? God is not asking us to do something He wouldn’t do Himself.
As far as can be determined, no deity has ever actually done anything anywhere. Even your magic book version clearly claims that jebus didn't die for us, he was merely inconvenienced for a weekend.
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: And out of pure love for ALL of us!
Love? You think the god in your magic book gives a flying fuck about love? Is genocide an act of love? Is rape an act of love? Is human sacrifice an act of love? Is slavery an act of love? The god of your magic book is quite happy with all of those. Are those loving? Do you agree with them?
(November 12, 2019 at 1:44 am)ronedee Wrote: Amen
Oh grow up.
Now as an aside, you claim to be catholic, but cite the KJV. Do you know why that might be a problem? Of course not.