Not sure about these types of atheists if they exist as described in this Quote but Most atheists and my self I would think don't identify with this. If they are out there, I am not one of them nor part of any dogma. Just doing some youtube info searching about the atheist delusion, it apears to have been started by ray comfort.. Is the quote true?
" atheism is simply no longer a belief in the absence of god. It's now a active rebuke against his existence fueled by rage and endless effective. the arguments so many employ against god are as rote and dogmatic as any kind of extremism. religious faith is maligned to exhaustion online and elsewhere unless it involves chrystles and witchcraft. Atheists dont just refuse the light, They now seek to extinguish it. Join ben shapiro on the following episode of Debunked as he breaks down the many fallacies and falsehoods atheists attempt to employ."
to respond to that quote as well as to be clear if any balievers or the religious see this, The first point about atheism not being no longer a balieif in the absense of god is incorect. There is no atheism or A theism, it's not a religion. Being a atheist doesn't mean someone or anyone that baleives in the absence of god. It means NO baleif in any gods, even just 1 god so its not a baleif, its the opposite so 0 gods or no gods at all.
for the second point since no atheist baleives in any gods they are NOT in a active rebuke against any god whatso ever since they dont belaeve in any gods so really, their is no gods or a god for them to be ragefull at. Atheists are not ragefull at the baleif in god, a higher power or any god. What they most likley may be ragefull at, if they are at all, its religion and religion certainly exists everywhere in this world. By the way I dont mean the followers of religions or most baleivers of a religion as they are good people. What I mean is religion itself. the whole idea/s of religion, the effects it has on people minds for example getting good people to do bad things, turning people into bigots, getting people to fight in big wars today as well in the past for thousands of years and turning people into religious zelots or extreamists. It infects people's minds like a virus and can also serve as a system of contol to control you. I don't know about all religions and their offshoots but the three mainstrean religions, jewdiasm, chrisitanity and islam today in America, first world countries, the western world and espeshally in places or countries like the vatican or islamic countries with sharia law are the religions that atheists appose or are in opposition to.
Atheists are not trying to extinguish religion, religious people or kill people if you mean by any meathod I explained above or threw violent rebellion but rather to end it threw peicefull means, education, reason, being rational, logic as well as academic debate, to free people's minds and make or have a cure for religion like doctors tyring to cure aids, cancer, mental illness or what one of the things like what ron pual advocated for. If anything, religion has been the thing to extinguish religion or itself by the meathods I described above and more over thousands of years and threw even just a couple of centuries. What I mean by religion extinguishing religion or itself to give one example is when the roman polytheists of the main roman gods cult in the roman empire or romans would burn christians alive or have public executions, then 100s of years later the christians in rome would do the same or similar back to the roman polytheists. It was a internal conflict in rome.
" atheism is simply no longer a belief in the absence of god. It's now a active rebuke against his existence fueled by rage and endless effective. the arguments so many employ against god are as rote and dogmatic as any kind of extremism. religious faith is maligned to exhaustion online and elsewhere unless it involves chrystles and witchcraft. Atheists dont just refuse the light, They now seek to extinguish it. Join ben shapiro on the following episode of Debunked as he breaks down the many fallacies and falsehoods atheists attempt to employ."
to respond to that quote as well as to be clear if any balievers or the religious see this, The first point about atheism not being no longer a balieif in the absense of god is incorect. There is no atheism or A theism, it's not a religion. Being a atheist doesn't mean someone or anyone that baleives in the absence of god. It means NO baleif in any gods, even just 1 god so its not a baleif, its the opposite so 0 gods or no gods at all.
for the second point since no atheist baleives in any gods they are NOT in a active rebuke against any god whatso ever since they dont belaeve in any gods so really, their is no gods or a god for them to be ragefull at. Atheists are not ragefull at the baleif in god, a higher power or any god. What they most likley may be ragefull at, if they are at all, its religion and religion certainly exists everywhere in this world. By the way I dont mean the followers of religions or most baleivers of a religion as they are good people. What I mean is religion itself. the whole idea/s of religion, the effects it has on people minds for example getting good people to do bad things, turning people into bigots, getting people to fight in big wars today as well in the past for thousands of years and turning people into religious zelots or extreamists. It infects people's minds like a virus and can also serve as a system of contol to control you. I don't know about all religions and their offshoots but the three mainstrean religions, jewdiasm, chrisitanity and islam today in America, first world countries, the western world and espeshally in places or countries like the vatican or islamic countries with sharia law are the religions that atheists appose or are in opposition to.
Atheists are not trying to extinguish religion, religious people or kill people if you mean by any meathod I explained above or threw violent rebellion but rather to end it threw peicefull means, education, reason, being rational, logic as well as academic debate, to free people's minds and make or have a cure for religion like doctors tyring to cure aids, cancer, mental illness or what one of the things like what ron pual advocated for. If anything, religion has been the thing to extinguish religion or itself by the meathods I described above and more over thousands of years and threw even just a couple of centuries. What I mean by religion extinguishing religion or itself to give one example is when the roman polytheists of the main roman gods cult in the roman empire or romans would burn christians alive or have public executions, then 100s of years later the christians in rome would do the same or similar back to the roman polytheists. It was a internal conflict in rome.