Napoleon666 Wrote:How do you jump from saying if your not special enough, to no one is special enough?
I am the most special being in existence. If I am not special
enough, then there is nothing more special than I which could be special
Quote:This proves what exactly? You are yet to prove your reasoning in the above to be true
My now having a purple name further makes me special. As to my original point... if I am now
(with even more specialness) still not special enough... then there will never be someone more special, and there never has been someone so special.
Quote:Seen as they are metaphorical and imaginary Zeon missiles i'm not too worried
Nuclear Missile - Missiles tipped with nuclear warheads that explode for 4 points of damage and move at a speed of 2.
Nuclear Bomb - Bombs that explode for 3-12 points of damage on ground targets only.
Lasers - Direct-fire beam weapon that inflicts 1-4 points of damage. Heavy lasers have a two space range and do 1-7 points of damage.
Hand Lasers - Personal lasers that add 5 to your ground combat rolls. (60 RP)
Hyper-V Rockets - Swift missiles that explode for 6 points of damage and move at a speed of 2.5. (250 RP)
Gatling Laser - An advanced laser that fires up to 4 times per turn for 1-4 points of damage with each hit. (400 RP)
Anti-Missile Rockets - Trans-light rockets capable of destroying incoming enemy missiles 40% of the time, -1% per technology level of the missile. (570 RP)
Neutron Pellet Gun - Heavy particle stream weapon that halves the effectiveness of enemy deflector shields and inflicts 2-5 points of damage. (780 RP)
Hyper-X Rockets - Missiles equipped with high energy warheads that explode for 8 points of damage, move at a speed of 2.5, and are controlled by a +1 level targeting computer. (1020 RP)
Fusion Bomb - Bombs that explode for 5-20 points of damage on planetary targets only. (1290 RP)
Ion Cannon - High intensity beam weapons capable of inflicting 3-8 points of damage. Heavy ion cannons strike for 3-15 and have a 2 space range. (1600 RP)
Scatter Pack V Rockets - Mirv versions of Hyper-V Rockets, splitting into five separate warheads that each explode for 6 points of damage and move at a speed of 2.5. (1930 RP)
Ion Rifle - Personal beam weapons that add 10 to your ground attacks. (2300 RP)
Mass Driver - A linear accelerator that halves the effectiveness of enemy deflector shields and inflicts 5-8 points of damage. (2700 RP)
Merculite Missiles - Hard-hitting, swift missiles that explode for 10 points of damage, move at a speed of 3, and are controlled by a +2 level targeting computer. (3130 RP)
Neutron Blaster - High powered beam weapons capable of inflicting 3-12 points of damage. Heavy neutron blasters strike for 3-24 points and have a 2 space range. (3600 RP)
Anti-Matter Bomb - Bombs that explode for 10-40 points of damage on planetary targets only. (4090 RP)
Graviton Beam - Tractor-repulsor beam capable of rending ships to pieces. The beam strikes for 1-15, and the continuous streaming effect of the ray allows damage to carry over from one ship to another. (4620 RP)
Stinger Missiles - Slow, hyper-accurate missiles that do 15 points of damage, move at a speed of 3.5, and are controlled by a sophisticated +3 level targeting computer. (5180 RP)
Hard Beam - An energy-to-matter beam weapon that halves the effectiveness of enemy deflector shields, and inflicts 8-12 points of damage. (5770 RP)
Fusion Beam - High intensity beam weapon capable of doing 4-16 points of damage. Heavy fusion beams strike for 4-30 points and have a 2 space range. (6400 RP)
Ion Stream Projector - Fires an intese ionin blast reducing an opponents armor by 20% plus 1% per two firing ships. The projector has a range of 2 spaces. (7050 RP)
Omega-V Bomb - High yield bombs that explode for 20-50 points of damage on planetary targets only. (7740 RP)
Anti-Matter Torpedoes - High energy tracking torpedoes that deliver 30 points of damage but may only be fired every other turn. Each torpedo is equipped with a +4 level targeting computer. (8460 RP)
Fusion Rifle - Inaccurate but incredibly powerful beam weapons that add 20 to your ground combat rolls. (9210 RP)
Megabolt Cannon - Releases muliple bolts of pure energy in a wide field. It has a +30% bonus chance to hit and strikes for 2-20 points of damage. (10000 RP)
Phasor - Phased energy beams capable of inflicting 5-20 points of damage. Heavy Phasors strike for 5-40 points of damage and have a 2 space range. (10810 RP)
Scatter Pack VII Missiles - Mirv versions of Hyper-X Rockets, splitting into seven separate warheads that each explode for 10 points of damage, move at a speed of 3, and are guided by a +2 level targeting computer. (11660 RP)
Auto Blaster - An advanced neutron blaster that fires up to three times per turn for 4-16 points of damage with each hit. (12540 RP)
Pulson Missile - Powerful missiles equipped with anti-matter warheads that explode for 20 points of damage, move at a speed of 4, and are controlled by a +4 level targeting computer. (13450 RP)
Tachyon Beam - Fires an intense stream of tachyon particles that strike enemy ships for 1-25 hits. The continuous streaming effect of the ray allows it to carry damage over from one ship to another. (14400 RP)
Hand Phasor - Potent hand held energy weapons capable of reducing an opponent to his componenet atoms. Adds 25 to your ground rolls. (15370 RP)
Gauss Autocannon - An advanced linear accelerator capable of firing explosive rounds per turn that inflict 7-10 points of damage each. The projectile rounds half the effectiveness of enemy shields. (16380 RP)
Particle Beam - High intensity particle accelerators capable of striking enemy ships for 10-20 points of damage and halving the effectiveness of deflector shields. (17420 RP)
Hercular Missiles - Highly advanced missile that explodes for 25 points of damage. The hercular missile moves at speed 4.5 and is controlled by a +5 level targeting computer. (18490 RP)
Plasma Cannon - Fires intense bolts of energy that inflict 6-30 points of damage. (19600 RP)
Death Ray - An ancient weapon of unbelievably destructive power that inflicts 200-1000 points of damage with one space range. (20730 RP)
Disruptor - Unleashes tremendous bolts of pure energy that can strike enemy targets up to 2 spaces away for 10-40 points of damage. (21900 RP)
Pulse Phasor - An advanced phasor capable of firing three bursts per turn for 5-20 points of damage with each hit. (23100 RP)
Neutronium Bomb - Devastating bombs that explode for 40-70 points of damage on planets only. (24330 RP)
Hellfire Torpedoes - Enveloping energy torpedoes that simultaneously strike all shields, delivering damage equivalent to four 25 point attacks. They may only be fired once every other turn. (25600 RP)
Zeon Missiles - Most advanced missile available. Capable of striking enemy ships for 30 ponts of damage and moving at a speed of 5. The zeon missile is guided by a +6 level tareting computer. (26890 RP)
Plasma Rifle - The most devastating hand held weapon available. Adds 30 to your ground attacks. (28220 RP)
Proton Torpedoes - High yield energy torpedoes that deliver 75 points of damage but may only be fired every other turn. Each torpedo is equipped with a +6 targeting computer. (29580 RP)
Scatter Pack X Missiles - Mirv versions of Stinger Missiles, splitting into ten separate warheads that each explode for 15 points of damage, move at speed 3.5, and are guided by a +3 level targeting computer. (30970 RP)
Tri-Focus Plasma Cannon - Fires a triad of high intensity plasma beams capable of inflicting 20-50 points of damage. (32400 RP)
Stellar Convertor - Surrounds the target with an extremely powerful matter-energy conversion field, inflicting four 10-35 point attacks. It has a range of 3 spaces. (33850 RP)
Neutron Stream Projector - Fires a blast of concentrated neutrino rays reducing an opponents armor by 40% plus 1% per firing ship. The projector has a range of 2 spaces. (35340 RP)
Mauler Device - Unleases enormous amounts of focused energy at enemy targets, inflicting 20-100 points of damage. Cruel brutal damage (36860 RP)
Plasma Torpedoes - Pure energy torpedoes that deliver 150 points of damage, but lose 15 strength per space traveled. The launcher fires every other turn and has a +7 level guidance computer. (40000 RP)