Through conversation with multiple Christian's over the last few months I have come to a conclusion about why people do enjoy this belief, as I do feel that people tend to stray away from that which is not enjoyable and seek what is pleasurable in life... but that is another matter. Briefly tho I do feel the decline of the Catholic flavor of Christianity and the rise of the more liberal, less legal generic Christian faith is due to more of an enjoyable less worry some experience through practicing the religion, which has less laws and regulations and thus less stiff penalties for the many rules the latter imposes. Theres also marginaly less child rape conducted in the later.
So back to the topic, what I feel I have discovered, and part of my motive for posting this is to discover if this idea has been mulled around before ( I feel it may have ) is that although a Christian claims to worship an external God, by becoming a Theist one gets to " become god". What I noticed in my conversations was often a false humility proclaimed when getting to finer points with the answer of " It is not my view I am proclaiming, but that of gods! " when the target of my conversation reached a point he agreed'd with in scripture and revelation, and a list of logic and reasoning about why scripture and revelation he did not agree with is invalid.
For example this Christian, whom I believe is like any other Christian in this respect, has cherry picked the bible for verses that support their own morality, and dismiss verse which do not. When asked about abortion for instance the Christian will support the Idea that killing is wrong, a commandment given in the old testament, but when asked if eating shell fish is wrong, the christian will simply say that no it is not and give reasons, even going so far as to say that " people simply did not understand how to properly prepare them in that time which lead to superstition"
The obvious hypocrisy here, to claim a book that is the word of god absolute is only the word of god absolute whenconvenient is a point often made on these forums and other atheist communities, and is not the point of this post. The larger point is that by becoming a Theist one gets to become god so to speak. As there most likely is no god, and most likely all holy books are flawed and wrong, it allows the believer to proclaim false humility while making the most arrogant claims imaginable
ie that they know they will of god, which rules are to be enforced and which are not, with this I imagine comes a great deal of psychological empowerment where the views of the Christian move from being their own, and Instead transform into the absolute word of god and thus should and cannot be held to the test of critical thinking and reason.
Imagine the power of getting to claim the mind of god, especially to those who would believe it at face value. I think this is a major allure of religion that I do not hear discussed, the ego boosting aspect of getting to in essence become god. So remember, when dealing with a theist you are dealing with the closest thing that any of us will ever see when searching for god, as all religions are man made, all gods are man made and always the believer is made into god by backing up their own morale cherry picking with that of an imagined perfect entity that they in essence become, ergo god does exist -- as does man.
please do excuse me for the thread topic, but I do enjoy a statement that i imagined would grab the eye.
So back to the topic, what I feel I have discovered, and part of my motive for posting this is to discover if this idea has been mulled around before ( I feel it may have ) is that although a Christian claims to worship an external God, by becoming a Theist one gets to " become god". What I noticed in my conversations was often a false humility proclaimed when getting to finer points with the answer of " It is not my view I am proclaiming, but that of gods! " when the target of my conversation reached a point he agreed'd with in scripture and revelation, and a list of logic and reasoning about why scripture and revelation he did not agree with is invalid.
For example this Christian, whom I believe is like any other Christian in this respect, has cherry picked the bible for verses that support their own morality, and dismiss verse which do not. When asked about abortion for instance the Christian will support the Idea that killing is wrong, a commandment given in the old testament, but when asked if eating shell fish is wrong, the christian will simply say that no it is not and give reasons, even going so far as to say that " people simply did not understand how to properly prepare them in that time which lead to superstition"
The obvious hypocrisy here, to claim a book that is the word of god absolute is only the word of god absolute whenconvenient is a point often made on these forums and other atheist communities, and is not the point of this post. The larger point is that by becoming a Theist one gets to become god so to speak. As there most likely is no god, and most likely all holy books are flawed and wrong, it allows the believer to proclaim false humility while making the most arrogant claims imaginable
ie that they know they will of god, which rules are to be enforced and which are not, with this I imagine comes a great deal of psychological empowerment where the views of the Christian move from being their own, and Instead transform into the absolute word of god and thus should and cannot be held to the test of critical thinking and reason.
Imagine the power of getting to claim the mind of god, especially to those who would believe it at face value. I think this is a major allure of religion that I do not hear discussed, the ego boosting aspect of getting to in essence become god. So remember, when dealing with a theist you are dealing with the closest thing that any of us will ever see when searching for god, as all religions are man made, all gods are man made and always the believer is made into god by backing up their own morale cherry picking with that of an imagined perfect entity that they in essence become, ergo god does exist -- as does man.
please do excuse me for the thread topic, but I do enjoy a statement that i imagined would grab the eye.
"i hate therefore i am"
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