What is the purpose of an everlasting punishment in hell?
My premise is that God would not create anything that is purposeless.
If God’s everlasting hell is not serving a purpose, God would not create it since scripture says that God created all things for his pleasure and for himself.
Punishment is usually given to change ideas, attitudes and actions of a sinner.
If punishment is given for any other reason, then it is being given without an altruistic purpose and would be given out of a sense of cruelty.
Is there an altruistic purpose for God creating hell?
If no good result is to be gained from everlasting punishment, is it just for God to give it?
To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these
simple questions for yourself.
1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?
2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?
3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions is to result?
4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?
Is hell a moral construct or not?
My premise is that God would not create anything that is purposeless.
If God’s everlasting hell is not serving a purpose, God would not create it since scripture says that God created all things for his pleasure and for himself.
Punishment is usually given to change ideas, attitudes and actions of a sinner.
If punishment is given for any other reason, then it is being given without an altruistic purpose and would be given out of a sense of cruelty.
Is there an altruistic purpose for God creating hell?
If no good result is to be gained from everlasting punishment, is it just for God to give it?
To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these
simple questions for yourself.
1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?
2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?
3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions is to result?
4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?
Is hell a moral construct or not?