RE: Atheism the unscientific believe.
August 2, 2015 at 5:11 pm
(This post was last modified: August 2, 2015 at 5:23 pm by Confused Ape.)
I somehow missed this reply to one of my posts.
I'm not worried about being unable to do certain things. I'm going to repost an article from the Ananda Marga website because it relates to what I'm trying to say.
Spiritual Philosophy
Another article goes into the drama further.
The Confused Ape character can't sing or paint a beautiful picture but this is irrelevant to the drama because other characters in it are able to do these things.
I don't find anything difficult about it. According to the Andanda Marga philosophy Confused Ape is just one of the "transitory transformations of part of His infinite cosmic “body” in a never-ending flow." Confused Ape is very transitory, really, because this character in the drama will only exist for as long as this body lasts.
If I mess up in this life I could be reborn as a sheep and won't be Confused Ape any more. I won't even be a human mind. I'll be a sheep's mind with everything I experience shaped by a sheep's brain and body. I'll walk on four legs, my conversation will be limited to "Baaaa" and all my concerns will be sheep concerns. If I don't mess up and the mind in this body is reborn as a human I still won't be Confused Ape. I'll be a different character that God is playing in his drama.
So, on to your drop of water metaphor. The ocean has manifested a drop of water which is currently Confused Ape but the ocean itself isn't Confused Ape. If this drop of water manages to merge with the ocean it will cease to exist as a drop of water. This idea doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Yes, it's His game but He's also all the players in His game. The players' role in the game is for these bits of God to become fully aware that they're bits of God playing in His game.
(August 2, 2015 at 10:07 am)Little Rik Wrote: I wouldn't really worry whether i can or can not do so many things.
As i just said above the main thing is to put your trust in this cosmic consciousness.
All the rest is really not that important.
How could something that does not lead to real progress like the material world be important?
Why go around and around and getting nowhere is important?
I'm not worried about being unable to do certain things. I'm going to repost an article from the Ananda Marga website because it relates to what I'm trying to say.
Spiritual Philosophy
Quote:The spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga recognizes that God is one, and that the universe is the creation of His mental thought-waves. Thus it is said: “Brahma is the absolute truth, and the universe is also truth, but relative.” The diversities of this universe are the transitory transformations of part of His infinite cosmic “body” in a never-ending flow. This implies that life and the universe will never end, but that parts of it are continuously being created from Him and concurrently merging back into Him.
The universe exists as an ever-changing, constantly moving phenomenon. He has transformed a part of Himself into the drama of the world of which we are all a part. But He is also beyond all relativity and transitory existence. He is beyond time, space and mind. He is the Causal Entity. One cannot even begin to imagine Him, let alone speak about Him.
Another article goes into the drama further.
Quote:Question: Why did God make this world, what is the purpose, and if there is a purpose why do I exist and what does God want from me?
Answer: Where logicians are left wanting, humble devotees of God have come up with a simple answer to the question. They say “God was alone, He had no one to talk to, no one to love, no one to scold! So, He created the planets and the living beings to fill this emptiness with endless activity.”
When you make observations based on cause and effect this is called Kriida in Sanskrit and when you go beyond logic it is called Liila. Liila also means “play” or “sport.” So, from this viewpoint God created the universe as a cosmic play, a great cosmic drama in which each of us has a role to play.
What is my role and what is your role in this cosmic drama?
You, I and all the animate and inanimate objects of the universe are nothing but manifestations of God. When we say that God created the universe, we have to ask, “What is the stuff from which He created everything?” Yoga philosophy says that everything of this universe is composed of Consciousness or the very essence of God.
Poets describe this by saying that God is playing hide-and-seek. He has hidden Himself in all the created objects of the universe.
So our role is to act out our part in the drama but to do our best to seek God, and to discover that He is everywhere, and most importantly residing in the core of our hearts. When you understand that He is in all objects, then you will begin to treat these objects with great respect and love.
What does God want from you? He wants you to smile, to seek inside yourself and find out who you really are, and to serve the others around you, knowing that they are expressions of Him.
The Confused Ape character can't sing or paint a beautiful picture but this is irrelevant to the drama because other characters in it are able to do these things.
Confused Ape Wrote:If I go back to it I will cease to exist as Confused Ape. I'll be absorbed into the source which will retain all the information it acquired from playing the role of me.
(August 2, 2015 at 10:07 am)Little Rik Wrote: This can be a difficult philosophical point.
A drop of water that merge into the big ocean doesn't have in her consciousness the dilemma whether it is important or not to merge into the ocean in order to know information or to know any other thing.
She just merge to be back home just like the son that going back home after a long long absence make his father very happy.
I don't find anything difficult about it. According to the Andanda Marga philosophy Confused Ape is just one of the "transitory transformations of part of His infinite cosmic “body” in a never-ending flow." Confused Ape is very transitory, really, because this character in the drama will only exist for as long as this body lasts.
Quote:Question: Can a person be reincarnated in an animal body?
Yes, it is possible. If a person’s actions are predominantly animal-like then his or her mind will reach a state where it is more suited for an animal body than a human body. In this case, after death that person’s mind is likely to be born into an animal body. This is called “negative pratisaincara” (counter-evolution).
In this regard, it is important to understand that a mind is always born into a body and situation which will best faciltate its expression. So in the end we always get what we want.
If I mess up in this life I could be reborn as a sheep and won't be Confused Ape any more. I won't even be a human mind. I'll be a sheep's mind with everything I experience shaped by a sheep's brain and body. I'll walk on four legs, my conversation will be limited to "Baaaa" and all my concerns will be sheep concerns. If I don't mess up and the mind in this body is reborn as a human I still won't be Confused Ape. I'll be a different character that God is playing in his drama.
So, on to your drop of water metaphor. The ocean has manifested a drop of water which is currently Confused Ape but the ocean itself isn't Confused Ape. If this drop of water manages to merge with the ocean it will cease to exist as a drop of water. This idea doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Confused Ape Wrote:The way I see it the awareness will be the fact that I'm not real. My body and brain are just a costume worn by Cosmic Consciousness playing a role. Everything in the physical universe is a costume which Cosmic Consciousness is wearing as it plays all these roles at the same time as playing me.
(August 2, 2015 at 10:07 am)Little Rik Wrote: In a way yes but don't forget that this is His game.
Yours is totally different.
You role is to expand your consciousness until a parallelism between you and the cosmic consciousness is reached.
Yes, it's His game but He's also all the players in His game. The players' role in the game is for these bits of God to become fully aware that they're bits of God playing in His game.