From a post I did last year (made into a document- repasted here)-
Clues for the identity of the Antichrist
As in many other things, clues are sometimes the only thing people get during investigating.
Did any candidate representing zip code 60606 win any election on the day before the Ill. lottery's winning number was 666 back in November of '08?
Has any candidate born on the 216th day of the year (216 is 6X6X6) won any notable election?
The odds of these falling on any one individual are 3.3 trillion to one.
(365X999 days per yr X possible lottery combos) X total number of Zip codes (42,000) X 216 days= 3,307,968.720,000.
3.3 with the decimal point removed is 33 - the highest number in the occult.
It was also reported that one third of TV viewers, or 33 percent watched the infomercial prior to the election.
There is more- The book of Daniel states the coming one would seek to CHANGE the times and LAWS.
Did any candidate ever run on a platform of CHANGE?
Has any candidate winner been changing laws?
The prophecy states the false messiah would be a "Mouth speaking great things" Does anyone fit that description?
Has any candidate's name in Farsi mean -
"He with us", in the same way as Jesus' Name Emanuel means "God with us"?
Has anyone signed a beam with the words: "We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger"?
When these words which were written, the "W" is the Hebrew letter equivalent of six, and placed vertically, (since they were written vertically) does one get three Sixes?
I was eying him prior to the election.
A man out of nowhere, everything about him hidden, and the media investigating absolutely nothing about him.
Unlike the treatment any other presidential hopeful in history received.
When the numbers came in- the BINGO bells went off.
More confirmation came in later.
There are parallels between O and Jesus.
Parallels- because the fake must of necessity, be patterned after the real.
The parallels begin in this zone:
Jesus, according to the bible has 2 daddies- one that people thought was his (Joe), and His real Dad. (see Phil Valentine on who is Obama? On youtube)
O has a dad that has been kept a secret. Why did the guy end up in Chicago? That is where his dad was from, and where fellow Muslims gunned him down.
There was a disagreement about Jesus place of origin ("No prophet comes out of Nazareth") – And there is a controversy about where O was born.
Jesus did not have a birth certificate. The false messiah of necessity, does not have one.
(You are all aware of the photoshop hack-job that was posted on the White House website claimed to be his birth certificate).
O has 2 names, his legal name as used in Indonesia- Barry Soetero, and the one he is currently using.
Jesus has 2 names found often in the bible- the son of Joseph, and the Son of God.
In the narrative of Jesus' life there is a span of blank time until he was about 12 and was located in the Temple.
Similarly, in the life of O, there is a span of time which is blank, until he was in grade school in Indonesia (picture and school records released) where he was registered as a Muslim, learning Islam.
After this, another blank span, until O is immersed in politics in the home of a communist.
Meanwhile, in the narrative of Jesus, a similar blank span is found until He is baptized (immersed in water) by John, at which time He began his ministry.
O supposedly studied Law (although nor records are released and no one remembers him at Columbia).
Jesus was an expert in Jewish Law and is called in the bible, our "Advocate" –
meaning "Lawyer for the accused".
Satan is called the accuser (prosecutor) of the brethren- another lawyer term.
John the Baptist asked about Jesus at one point- Are You the ONE?
Oprah Winfrey declared about O - He's the ONE!
Others were calling him the Messiah.
The False Messiah is said to come in peaceably, to take the Kingdom by flattery. BHO received a Nobel Peace Prize after doing nothing. Backwards from the normal process.
I now diverge from the parallels to see clues to the satanic connection to O.
After returning from Germany, O apparently was impressed with the temple of Zeus which was taken from Turkey a hundred years or so ago.
This is the exact place Jesus referred to in the book of Revelation when He said,
"I know you live where Satan's throne is.."
He had a facade built to duplicate the throne of Zeus in Denver's stadium for his acceptance speech.
The mascot of the stadium is a white stallion.
The name of the horse Muhammad supposedly rode to heaven is Barack.
O is a Muslim, who publicly stated so in a Freudian slip with George (the weasel) Stephanopoulos. It is on Youtube.
It may have been at the Denver stadium that O repeated his slogan, "Yes we can" over and over, until the crowd chimed in - repeatedly. This slogan- backwards says perfectly clear:
"Thank you Satan" over and over. It is on Youtube.
This guy is not only a usurper, he is a non-legal alien. And I don’t mean from space. He is destined to usurp the highest position for a short season.
I do not know why America is where the Antichrist comes from, except that the people of Jesus' day wanted to make him king by force (he would have no part of it).
A king is a political leader.
I guess you don't go from a no-body to the leader of the united western world (what the New World Order/ George Soros/ Builderburger group is promoting) without first being a big shot somewhere else.
This is the somewhere else.
America is part of "Babylon the Great" of the bible. A symbolic name of a real thing.
The writers of the bible did not need to know. It is us who need to know.
I would like to add some more observation to the mimicry of the great and powerful O.
In Spring 2013 he decided to make his first trip to Israel as president.
But first we need to backtrack 2000 yrs.
On the very day O was to make his entry to Jerusalem- Jesus entered that city. Jesus rode on a borrowed donkey to the songs of Hosanna by children and the waving of palm branches. In fulfillment of O.T. prophecy which said; "Look- your king comes, humbly riding on back of a donkey”. (Humility is the very opposite of what worldly kings express as they rode in on horses).
Now fast forward to O and his trip.
He sent his limo (nicknamed by the secret service- the "Beast") ahead to Jerusalem. When he got to his destination, the beast had gotten sick- it was fed diesel instead of unleaded.
So the triumphant entry of O to Jerusalem was made on the exact anniversary date as Jesus, the children were given flags to wave (instead of palm branches) and the people of Israel
welcomed him with open arms, while O rode a borrowed Beast.
To calculate the odds of the above as regards to days- one chance in 365. But what about the borrowed Beast? And it's very name?
The odds then go thru the roof.
By the way, Jesus did say to the Jews, that they would not see Him again until they said: “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord”.
The name of Barack has the meaning of "Blessed".
So there is a possible double reference here:
1) The normal concept that Israel will get to the point of welcoming Jesus.
2) A person named Barack must first be welcomed - then afterward Jesus would return.
Another by the way-
every time you buy insurance, you are investing in an industry which believes totally in odds.
Odds are the very foundation of your premium and their ability to do business.
The actuarial tables are based on calculated odds.
There isn't an insurance company in the world that will take the other side of that 3.3 trillion to one odds I mentioned above.
I have no malice at all against the impostor. Everything is falling into place.
The next logical huge event for him would be to mimic the death and resurrection of Christ. I thought it would have happened right after he mimicked the Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem in Spring.
Interestingly, he took his last oath of office (the public one- not the secret deal he did the day before), on the bibles of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King
(O perceives himself a great liberator).
His selection of these books owned by murdered heroes may have been a sublime portent of his future.
The bible declares the false messiah will receive a mortal head wound which he will recover from, (I do not know if this is real or computer simulated) and all the world will wonder after him when he recovers.
I believe he becomes fully possessed by the devil at that point.
A satanic mimic of Jesus victory over death - including a 3 day time -span.
I want to add, that more than once, a fellow asked me "Why doesn't someone shoot that moron?"
I answer- God has reserved getting rid of him for Himself.
Currently, no one can touch him.
He is protected by both Satan and God.
Because he is involved with man's final test of this age.
The world never ends but it does get new management.
It was said of the snake that the serpent was more subtle than any of the other animals... you have triple 6, 3 times 6 and a zip code with 3 6s. These are subtle clues.
I consider life like a strategic game you find yourself in.
You have no choice but to try to discern the rules, since they are not stated.
We rarely get more than clues. It might be part of the game.
People seem to revel in games. At no time in the seasons, do the media lack games.
Even the newspapers contain puzzles.
Clues for the identity of the Antichrist
As in many other things, clues are sometimes the only thing people get during investigating.
Did any candidate representing zip code 60606 win any election on the day before the Ill. lottery's winning number was 666 back in November of '08?
Has any candidate born on the 216th day of the year (216 is 6X6X6) won any notable election?
The odds of these falling on any one individual are 3.3 trillion to one.
(365X999 days per yr X possible lottery combos) X total number of Zip codes (42,000) X 216 days= 3,307,968.720,000.
3.3 with the decimal point removed is 33 - the highest number in the occult.
It was also reported that one third of TV viewers, or 33 percent watched the infomercial prior to the election.
There is more- The book of Daniel states the coming one would seek to CHANGE the times and LAWS.
Did any candidate ever run on a platform of CHANGE?
Has any candidate winner been changing laws?
The prophecy states the false messiah would be a "Mouth speaking great things" Does anyone fit that description?
Has any candidate's name in Farsi mean -
"He with us", in the same way as Jesus' Name Emanuel means "God with us"?
Has anyone signed a beam with the words: "We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger"?
When these words which were written, the "W" is the Hebrew letter equivalent of six, and placed vertically, (since they were written vertically) does one get three Sixes?
I was eying him prior to the election.
A man out of nowhere, everything about him hidden, and the media investigating absolutely nothing about him.
Unlike the treatment any other presidential hopeful in history received.
When the numbers came in- the BINGO bells went off.
More confirmation came in later.
There are parallels between O and Jesus.
Parallels- because the fake must of necessity, be patterned after the real.
The parallels begin in this zone:
Jesus, according to the bible has 2 daddies- one that people thought was his (Joe), and His real Dad. (see Phil Valentine on who is Obama? On youtube)
O has a dad that has been kept a secret. Why did the guy end up in Chicago? That is where his dad was from, and where fellow Muslims gunned him down.
There was a disagreement about Jesus place of origin ("No prophet comes out of Nazareth") – And there is a controversy about where O was born.
Jesus did not have a birth certificate. The false messiah of necessity, does not have one.
(You are all aware of the photoshop hack-job that was posted on the White House website claimed to be his birth certificate).
O has 2 names, his legal name as used in Indonesia- Barry Soetero, and the one he is currently using.
Jesus has 2 names found often in the bible- the son of Joseph, and the Son of God.
In the narrative of Jesus' life there is a span of blank time until he was about 12 and was located in the Temple.
Similarly, in the life of O, there is a span of time which is blank, until he was in grade school in Indonesia (picture and school records released) where he was registered as a Muslim, learning Islam.
After this, another blank span, until O is immersed in politics in the home of a communist.
Meanwhile, in the narrative of Jesus, a similar blank span is found until He is baptized (immersed in water) by John, at which time He began his ministry.
O supposedly studied Law (although nor records are released and no one remembers him at Columbia).
Jesus was an expert in Jewish Law and is called in the bible, our "Advocate" –
meaning "Lawyer for the accused".
Satan is called the accuser (prosecutor) of the brethren- another lawyer term.
John the Baptist asked about Jesus at one point- Are You the ONE?
Oprah Winfrey declared about O - He's the ONE!
Others were calling him the Messiah.
The False Messiah is said to come in peaceably, to take the Kingdom by flattery. BHO received a Nobel Peace Prize after doing nothing. Backwards from the normal process.
I now diverge from the parallels to see clues to the satanic connection to O.
After returning from Germany, O apparently was impressed with the temple of Zeus which was taken from Turkey a hundred years or so ago.
This is the exact place Jesus referred to in the book of Revelation when He said,
"I know you live where Satan's throne is.."
He had a facade built to duplicate the throne of Zeus in Denver's stadium for his acceptance speech.
The mascot of the stadium is a white stallion.
The name of the horse Muhammad supposedly rode to heaven is Barack.
O is a Muslim, who publicly stated so in a Freudian slip with George (the weasel) Stephanopoulos. It is on Youtube.
It may have been at the Denver stadium that O repeated his slogan, "Yes we can" over and over, until the crowd chimed in - repeatedly. This slogan- backwards says perfectly clear:
"Thank you Satan" over and over. It is on Youtube.
This guy is not only a usurper, he is a non-legal alien. And I don’t mean from space. He is destined to usurp the highest position for a short season.
I do not know why America is where the Antichrist comes from, except that the people of Jesus' day wanted to make him king by force (he would have no part of it).
A king is a political leader.
I guess you don't go from a no-body to the leader of the united western world (what the New World Order/ George Soros/ Builderburger group is promoting) without first being a big shot somewhere else.
This is the somewhere else.
America is part of "Babylon the Great" of the bible. A symbolic name of a real thing.
The writers of the bible did not need to know. It is us who need to know.
I would like to add some more observation to the mimicry of the great and powerful O.
In Spring 2013 he decided to make his first trip to Israel as president.
But first we need to backtrack 2000 yrs.
On the very day O was to make his entry to Jerusalem- Jesus entered that city. Jesus rode on a borrowed donkey to the songs of Hosanna by children and the waving of palm branches. In fulfillment of O.T. prophecy which said; "Look- your king comes, humbly riding on back of a donkey”. (Humility is the very opposite of what worldly kings express as they rode in on horses).
Now fast forward to O and his trip.
He sent his limo (nicknamed by the secret service- the "Beast") ahead to Jerusalem. When he got to his destination, the beast had gotten sick- it was fed diesel instead of unleaded.
So the triumphant entry of O to Jerusalem was made on the exact anniversary date as Jesus, the children were given flags to wave (instead of palm branches) and the people of Israel
welcomed him with open arms, while O rode a borrowed Beast.
To calculate the odds of the above as regards to days- one chance in 365. But what about the borrowed Beast? And it's very name?
The odds then go thru the roof.
By the way, Jesus did say to the Jews, that they would not see Him again until they said: “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord”.
The name of Barack has the meaning of "Blessed".
So there is a possible double reference here:
1) The normal concept that Israel will get to the point of welcoming Jesus.
2) A person named Barack must first be welcomed - then afterward Jesus would return.
Another by the way-
every time you buy insurance, you are investing in an industry which believes totally in odds.
Odds are the very foundation of your premium and their ability to do business.
The actuarial tables are based on calculated odds.
There isn't an insurance company in the world that will take the other side of that 3.3 trillion to one odds I mentioned above.
I have no malice at all against the impostor. Everything is falling into place.
The next logical huge event for him would be to mimic the death and resurrection of Christ. I thought it would have happened right after he mimicked the Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem in Spring.
Interestingly, he took his last oath of office (the public one- not the secret deal he did the day before), on the bibles of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King
(O perceives himself a great liberator).
His selection of these books owned by murdered heroes may have been a sublime portent of his future.
The bible declares the false messiah will receive a mortal head wound which he will recover from, (I do not know if this is real or computer simulated) and all the world will wonder after him when he recovers.
I believe he becomes fully possessed by the devil at that point.
A satanic mimic of Jesus victory over death - including a 3 day time -span.
I want to add, that more than once, a fellow asked me "Why doesn't someone shoot that moron?"
I answer- God has reserved getting rid of him for Himself.
Currently, no one can touch him.
He is protected by both Satan and God.
Because he is involved with man's final test of this age.
The world never ends but it does get new management.
It was said of the snake that the serpent was more subtle than any of the other animals... you have triple 6, 3 times 6 and a zip code with 3 6s. These are subtle clues.
I consider life like a strategic game you find yourself in.
You have no choice but to try to discern the rules, since they are not stated.
We rarely get more than clues. It might be part of the game.
People seem to revel in games. At no time in the seasons, do the media lack games.
Even the newspapers contain puzzles.