We must pray to save Satan, in order to save us all. We made up 18 guidelines. Needing two more guideline in order to scratch the broken record of Roman’s concept of Hell intended to control the masses.
HELL: the worst invented concept known to mankind
Jesus, whoever believes in him shall not perish. Kings conquer nations, and after they are conquered, people bow down to him. Whether it’s to save Satan or a King, we all can pray to Jesus for salvation. It’s all confusing; please forgive me for we do not know what we do.
1. Faith alone can save Satan, Satan believes in God and if he changes his deeds, he can go to heaven; it's the same for Hitler
2. Is Satan the root of all evil? Or is the root of all money? The Bible’s has 2000 discussion about money, that's 7X greater discussion than heaven and hell combined, mean wail Satan inventing job. Greed is only thing that gets Jesus really angry.
3. Satan stump Jesus, just the mention of dinosaurs, it sends Jesus into the pit of melancholy and beyond the definition of sadness. The prankster Satan is always burring dragon’s bones. Forgive Satan for he is only a child, like all children of God
4. Never Mock the baldness head of a bald headed priest.
5, Jesus accidentally comes out of the closet when he tries to show Joe Plumber how much he loves him. Check out Jerkin for Jesus website by just thinking about Jesus or by photos of Jesus. Are they not Guilty of Gay sex? Why do we all have to play a game of hide and seek all because Satan made us do it?
6. Satan starts pondering on the web. Jesus quickly steps in to judge everyone, pray to save Satan he has a very curious spirit like the rest of us.
7. Satan introduces Jesus to hell and the folk in hell hate Jesus. Jesus tries to convince everybody that he’s suffering more than them. Why dose Jesus specks more about hell than heaven, God only knows. Maybe because only the other 144,000 extremely happy go to heaven. I'd be sad looking down at hell for eternity, on the bright side, God loves you.
8, Jesus threatens his second coming if Joe Plumber doesn’t repent.
Unconditional love maybe.
9. Jesus was well known for his many magic tricks he performed in which people loved his act. But one day in Rome they crucified him for magic. Satan offered biological medicines, computers and planes, please forgive Satan for he has what you call "bad science".
10. Wars get started in the name of God and ends up being blamed on Satan. Most people are killed in the name of God greater than any other reason. The USA constitution has not one word of God in it, where Muslim countries do. Who get the 52 virgin, or just go with the pro with Jesus on earth and than just ask him for forgiveness like we do in War. Things don’t always go as planned, self prophecy shall finish us off.
11. Satan knows what happens when you reject Jesus. He's lord God Almighty, you accept this or hate Jesus Shaman, in which many will say hate him, that can be found in just about every culture around the world. Christianity concept of Hell dates back to Roman’s elitists worked the bylaws for rule over the lower mentally challenged on earth.
12 The first origins were a talking snake, who offered Eve a healthy apple. God forced Adam and Eve to wear clothes, and then their children made more incestuous families, the bible wrote about some porn, rape, gay sex, under age sex perhaps along the way. They evolved to being over fruitful breeders, lowered the incest rate. Yet passed to some clergyman, of today
13. Satan gets accused for the majority of bad ghosts and demons. Why can't human be responsibility for their own free will.
14. Satan first origins was a talking snake, he offered Eve a healthy apple. Now People want to kill snakes, then Satan evolved into a seven headed flying red dragon. 0ur love to Satan can turn him into a handsome prince. Still people want to kill trolls, rats, bats, and stump on any bug. God can’t watch all the Gay, Jews, Atheist and most others faith's go to hell, yet he is all powerful and could stop it. Satan wrote the satanic bible with a larger fan base, all within the kingdom of heaven and earth.
15. We are not allowed to beg or be tax free. We can't even love our parents most, Yet TV evangelist and churches can. Because God is always broke and can't handle money, he is always in need of money managers
16 Money is the root of all evil, because the riches country in the world (per capita) Vatican said so. Satan creates jobs, he did not write the song, called. Can't buy me lunch.
17. What will Jesus do with all the atheists in the world? Some suggests dumping the entire atheist’s population in the swamp land in Florida. Force them to watch Holy Land shows three times a day in Orlando. It’s a museum that takes you 2000 years back in time, into the world of the Bible. ...Call it, Clash of the Fantasy Wars. For the very few atheists that survive suicide, yet the few that do survive they get a give a good will lottery to heaven and if forgiven their odds are 144.000. If God can't get people to put the word God in the USA Constitution we may all go to HELL
18. Pray and love Satan to death, we are all beautiful in our own way, OR were that? God made everything perfect We are all beautiful in our own way, or did God make everything perfect, either way.