Mass grave of babies in Convent in Tuam, Co Galway
March 3, 2017 at 12:15 pm
(This post was last modified: March 3, 2017 at 12:17 pm by Pat Mustard.)
Warning: some of the details in this post are pretty sickening, especially if you click on some of those links.
I don't know if anybody's been following this story, but back in 2012 a local historian by the name of Catherine Corless published findings that the bodies of 796 babies and children had essentially gone missing after they died under the care of the Bon Secours sisters in their convent in Tuam, Coupled with earlier findings by local children (going back to the '70's) of children's bones in the long disused septic tank of the site, she came to the not unreasonable conclusion that most of these children were buried in that septic tank, their short lives swept under the carpet by a church organisation who were supposed to care for and champion them.
The case itself was a slow burner until 2014 when the US based news website Irish Central published this article. Shortly afterwards a petition was set up on Avaaz which garnered over 31,000 signatures one of which was my own, asking for Frances Fitzgerald the then (and current) justice minister to set up a Garda inquiry into the matter with the view of bringing those responsible for this mass killing to light, if not necessarily to justice.
Of course the church sent in its attack dogs, trying their very best to discredit the story and Mrs Corless herself, with many articles like this hack job by Rosita Boland appearing in publications that should have known better (Boland's piece appeared in the Irish Times which used pride itself on being the paper of record here, and which usen't suck up to the bishops quite as much. My how times have changed).
Eventually a commission was set up under Justice Yvonne Murphy to look into this convent and other such institutions (the Mother and Child "home" in Bessborough Co. Cork had similar problems, with the Cork County chief medical officer in the 1940's Dr James Deeny shutting it down because of the high mortality rate in the institution), which decided to do a dig on the site in Tuam. The report of that dig was announced today by Minister for Children Catherine Zappone TD showing that yes indeed that the majority of the children killed by the depraved indifference of the nuns ended up being dumped into a septic tank.
I'm just wondering is it time now to simply do the whole church in Ireland for mass murder and crimes against humanity, repossess all the land they took from the country and kick them out for good?
If you want a comprehensive read of the whole sorry saga (and some really shitty defending of the rcc), you can read this 148 page thread on (I was posting on the site at the time, under my actual name. A lot of people I'd previously respected there got put on my ignore list because of that thread).
Edit: I meant to put in the Wiki article as well. Here it is.
I don't know if anybody's been following this story, but back in 2012 a local historian by the name of Catherine Corless published findings that the bodies of 796 babies and children had essentially gone missing after they died under the care of the Bon Secours sisters in their convent in Tuam, Coupled with earlier findings by local children (going back to the '70's) of children's bones in the long disused septic tank of the site, she came to the not unreasonable conclusion that most of these children were buried in that septic tank, their short lives swept under the carpet by a church organisation who were supposed to care for and champion them.
The case itself was a slow burner until 2014 when the US based news website Irish Central published this article. Shortly afterwards a petition was set up on Avaaz which garnered over 31,000 signatures one of which was my own, asking for Frances Fitzgerald the then (and current) justice minister to set up a Garda inquiry into the matter with the view of bringing those responsible for this mass killing to light, if not necessarily to justice.
Of course the church sent in its attack dogs, trying their very best to discredit the story and Mrs Corless herself, with many articles like this hack job by Rosita Boland appearing in publications that should have known better (Boland's piece appeared in the Irish Times which used pride itself on being the paper of record here, and which usen't suck up to the bishops quite as much. My how times have changed).
Eventually a commission was set up under Justice Yvonne Murphy to look into this convent and other such institutions (the Mother and Child "home" in Bessborough Co. Cork had similar problems, with the Cork County chief medical officer in the 1940's Dr James Deeny shutting it down because of the high mortality rate in the institution), which decided to do a dig on the site in Tuam. The report of that dig was announced today by Minister for Children Catherine Zappone TD showing that yes indeed that the majority of the children killed by the depraved indifference of the nuns ended up being dumped into a septic tank.
I'm just wondering is it time now to simply do the whole church in Ireland for mass murder and crimes against humanity, repossess all the land they took from the country and kick them out for good?
If you want a comprehensive read of the whole sorry saga (and some really shitty defending of the rcc), you can read this 148 page thread on (I was posting on the site at the time, under my actual name. A lot of people I'd previously respected there got put on my ignore list because of that thread).
Edit: I meant to put in the Wiki article as well. Here it is.
Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli