Sweet Reason, you are a fucktard. I'm starting to get schooling fatigue so I'm going to focus on the worst of the fucktardary in your post.
(November 14, 2014 at 4:22 pm)Heywood Wrote: Obama and the dems saved us from a second great depression how? They extended the Bush tax cuts....thats how. Good for them.
Excuse me a moment...
...OK, I'm back. And I'll go really slow so even a fucktard like you can keep up.
First, you do realize that the "Bush tax cuts" happened during the Bush administration, right?
Sorry, I don't want to make too many assumptions about your ability to keep up. Assuming you do, You know they happened pretty early on during his administration, right? The first round was passed in 2001.
So, you claimed that the Bush tax cuts prevented the second Great Depression, which was a danger from the panic and collapse of October 2008? Do you see the problem?
In case you don't, I'll go slower.
- 2001: Bush tax cuts
- 2008: Economic collapse
So do you see how the crash happened after the tax cuts were in effect? So since the crash happened AFTER the Bush tax cuts, it rather indicates that the tax cuts didn't prevent the crash. Since they didn't prevent the crash, how could they have prevented the depression that would directly result?
Still with me? OK, it's going to get harder so try to keep up.
Now, Bush had the lowest rate of job growth since World War II.
So since he had the lowest job growth of any president since World War II, do you see how you have much to explain why his tax cuts didn't create a robust economy?
Quote:Obama let Iraq and the middle east fall into chaos as well.
Oh, do tell how this happened. How did he "let" Iraq and the Middle East fall into chaos?
The Status of Forces agreement was signed with Iraq in the last months of the W Bush administration. Obama tried to renegotiate and get Iraq to allow US troops to remain but the Iraqi government refused.
W Bush withdrew troops, not Obama. What was Obama supposed to do? Invade Iraq again?
And do you think that the current mess has anything to do with the Iraq invasion under W Bush (which by the way was a war of aggression). Or do you remember it as a glorious victory and the Iraqi government was solid as a rock, only to be ruined by that awful black man in the White House? Then why did the Iraqi army disintegrate the moment they faced even minimal danger?
Oh, and do you know who the officers are in the ISIS army? The Baathists that Bush stupidly fired and disbanded. Unemployed and with nowhere else to go, they joined the Sunni insurgency and now are leaders in ISIS.
Who could have predicted that the Iraq invasion would be such a disaster?
Liberals, that's who.
We said, "Please don't do this. It will be a disaster."
And we were told how ashamed we would be when the new Iraq would be such a success story.
It turns out we were right and you should have listened.
And you have the stupidity to blame the Obama administration for W's mess simply because W kicked the can down the road long enough for it to blow up on someone else's watch.