Hi y'all
I'm a 50 year old (that can't be true..) retired airline pilot, from the state everyone here seems to adore, Texas. I was raised a methodist, more or less. (My family seemed to attend church because...well, everyone attended church) By the age of 12 I had decided either God didn't exist or he was an incredibly arrogant, mean-spirited asshole. Of the two choices, I liked the lack of existence best. I have been through rough times, nearly died on 6 different occasions, had one of my daughters very nearly die from a car wreck that killed her best friend, and yet I have never waivered in my disbelief. I guess there is an atheist in this foxhole.
I'm enjoying the forum, so far, but am surprised at how political it is. Guess that separation of church and state thing never really has worked out, huh? No surprise there.
That being said, I seem to be in a state of political flux...brought about by all of the recent idiocy on both sides in US politics of late. I have always referred to myself as a conservative republican, out of habit, I guess. Now, frankly. I don't know what I am.
First and foremost, I believe in freedom. Government is necessary but should be small and unobtrusive. I despise authority. Besides a civilian pilot I served as a pilot in the United States Air Force, first as an instructor pilot in T-37 and T-38 aircraft, and ultimately an F-5E/F15C fighter pilot, based at Nellis AFB with the 65th TFAS. I also served for 8 years as a Sheriff's Deputy here in Texas- airline schedules allowed me to do this concurrently. With this background, you wouldn't expect me to be anti-authority, but I am. Very much so.
I guess I'm either a really bad conservative or an even worse liberal. I collect guns, as my father and grandfather did. I have a 300 yd range here on my ranch. I hunt, although only for meat- I despise trophy hunting. I'm an atheist. I believe in personal responsibility. I don't like welfare programs unless they are carefully monitored to weed out freeloaders. I am not at all racist, although I am guilty of prejudging people based on their clothes and attitudes- although I am open to changing my initial opinion. If you don't want to be mistaken for a gangbanger...don't dress like one.
I couldn't care less if money has "in god we trust" on it. I couldn't care less if the ten commandments hang in the courtroom. It's our history, I am not threatened by it.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out why anyone cares who anyone else is in love with, or having sex with, or living with, or married to. That's just stupid.
I have no opinion on the abortion issue. I'm not a woman.
Sorry for the length...I like to hear myself...err...type. Hope to get to know you all!
I'm a 50 year old (that can't be true..) retired airline pilot, from the state everyone here seems to adore, Texas. I was raised a methodist, more or less. (My family seemed to attend church because...well, everyone attended church) By the age of 12 I had decided either God didn't exist or he was an incredibly arrogant, mean-spirited asshole. Of the two choices, I liked the lack of existence best. I have been through rough times, nearly died on 6 different occasions, had one of my daughters very nearly die from a car wreck that killed her best friend, and yet I have never waivered in my disbelief. I guess there is an atheist in this foxhole.
I'm enjoying the forum, so far, but am surprised at how political it is. Guess that separation of church and state thing never really has worked out, huh? No surprise there.
That being said, I seem to be in a state of political flux...brought about by all of the recent idiocy on both sides in US politics of late. I have always referred to myself as a conservative republican, out of habit, I guess. Now, frankly. I don't know what I am.
First and foremost, I believe in freedom. Government is necessary but should be small and unobtrusive. I despise authority. Besides a civilian pilot I served as a pilot in the United States Air Force, first as an instructor pilot in T-37 and T-38 aircraft, and ultimately an F-5E/F15C fighter pilot, based at Nellis AFB with the 65th TFAS. I also served for 8 years as a Sheriff's Deputy here in Texas- airline schedules allowed me to do this concurrently. With this background, you wouldn't expect me to be anti-authority, but I am. Very much so.
I guess I'm either a really bad conservative or an even worse liberal. I collect guns, as my father and grandfather did. I have a 300 yd range here on my ranch. I hunt, although only for meat- I despise trophy hunting. I'm an atheist. I believe in personal responsibility. I don't like welfare programs unless they are carefully monitored to weed out freeloaders. I am not at all racist, although I am guilty of prejudging people based on their clothes and attitudes- although I am open to changing my initial opinion. If you don't want to be mistaken for a gangbanger...don't dress like one.
I couldn't care less if money has "in god we trust" on it. I couldn't care less if the ten commandments hang in the courtroom. It's our history, I am not threatened by it.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out why anyone cares who anyone else is in love with, or having sex with, or living with, or married to. That's just stupid.
I have no opinion on the abortion issue. I'm not a woman.
Sorry for the length...I like to hear myself...err...type. Hope to get to know you all!
Things are a lot more like they used to be, than they are now.